I was the was who was hurt by your mimicking ridiculing abusive posting, which is why I asked you to delete it
as per your own previous recommendation, to include informing Dr Grossman, of the abusive posting.
I am the one who has not received an apology, instead, a repeat of being hurt by your choice to re-create the hurt with this thread topic etc.
Which is why, "enough was enough"
and I felt I had no choice left, after having received several 'nit picking' postings from you for some time now.
Whereas, I have only ever shown you kind respect.
Sorry, Izzy, last night it was your choice of words and behavior in your posting to ridicule and humiliate me, that HURT me.
NO CONTACT is the best thing for me to do for my emotional well being, with much sadness.
I am NOT an object, I am a person.