Author Topic: The shaming tactic fails to work on me  (Read 4065 times)


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The shaming tactic fails to work on me
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2004, 11:47:46 AM »
Hi discounted girl
I see my little grandson doing the same thing to my son.  He wants so badly to give something to his dad  (or mom) for a gift for Christmas or whatever that he will wrap up his favorite stuffed animal or collect his pennies so he can show his dad he loves him with a gift.  It is so sweet.  I can't imagine any grownup not seeing the innocence and pure love coming from a child like that.  And to make that child feel bad about his purest of intentions is criminal.  I always think of that when I see my grandson doing something thoughtful like that and I thank God that my son treasures those moments.

Discounted Girl

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The shaming tactic fails to work on me
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2004, 12:03:54 PM »
Ellie -- haha -- I am laughing thinking of you with your gift bags hahhah ...

Tigerlily -- Your son sounds wonderful to appreciate his little boy and treasure those moments. Yes, nothing is sweeter than a child.


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The shaming tactic fails to work on me
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2004, 01:04:32 AM »
Hi everyone,

My T finally turned the lightbulb on for me regarding giftgiving with Ns.  "Everything is an opportunity for ***** [N’s name]"  :idea:

May I try this scenario out on you all?  I was so angry when I read about the video thing and these other hurtful stories.  Ugh!  So here goes:

Imagine you are the N (if you can or dare) and you live in a bricked up room of your own making and choosing and decor.  You sit on your throne, alone.  Of course, you are an exceptionally wise king: you trust no one.  You are so wonderful and you know everyone would like to be you and therefore everyone wants to kill you to take your place.  A hidden cabinet door opens up and in comes an object.  A gift from an outsider.  You hate outsiders.  A Trojan horse perhaps?  Don't be fooled!  Throw it back in their face!  A gift from one of their children.  What an old trick.  Throw in back in their face!   "No one can love me, they want to be me!  "

When the gifts and cards stop coming, something is afoot!  What is the enemy up to?  "You there, trusted insider/whipping boy/slave!  Go find out what is going on.   What? They don't want to see ME?  I don't believe it!  They are up to something I tell you!  Check again and again and again.  What!  MUST I do everything myself?  I'll go with you this time. "  Etc etc.  Everything is a threat or a weapon.  For Ns, it's kill or be killed.  

Apologies, I know these are not happy thoughts!  I'm going to go eat some chocolate now!  Hugs, Seeker


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The shaming tactic fails to work on me
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2004, 02:57:42 AM »
Hi Seeker,

Your words painted a vivid scene for me. Excellent!  I can just see the N in that isolated room on the throne.

I followed suit and ate some chocolate too. 8)