Hi everyone,
My T finally turned the lightbulb on for me regarding giftgiving with Ns. "Everything is an opportunity for ***** [N’s name]"
May I try this scenario out on you all? I was so angry when I read about the video thing and these other hurtful stories. Ugh! So here goes:
Imagine you are the N (if you can or dare) and you live in a bricked up room of your own making and choosing and decor. You sit on your throne, alone. Of course, you are an exceptionally wise king: you trust no one. You are so wonderful and you know everyone would like to be you and therefore everyone wants to kill you to take your place. A hidden cabinet door opens up and in comes an object. A gift from an outsider. You hate outsiders. A Trojan horse perhaps? Don't be fooled! Throw it back in their face! A gift from one of their children. What an old trick. Throw in back in their face! "No one can love me, they want to be me! "When the gifts and cards stop coming, something is afoot! What is the enemy up to? "You there, trusted insider/whipping boy/slave! Go find out what is going on. What? They don't want to see ME? I don't believe it! They are up to something I tell you! Check again and again and again. What! MUST I do everything myself? I'll go with you this time. " Etc etc. Everything is a threat or a weapon. For Ns, it's kill or be killed.
Apologies, I know these are not happy thoughts! I'm going to go eat some chocolate now! Hugs, Seeker