Dear sweet amazing friends,
So swamped just at the moment that I can't thank you individually (except I have to confess Izzy got me on a little Connie Whatsername jag, that was SO incredible...I had seen it before but diabolical timing, Izzz, nice and teary...and THAT sent me over to Paul Potts...

And Changing, to thank you for the term, "Bless and Release." I LOVE THAT. Heck of a lot nicer than sticking someone through the cheek with a fishhook, now that you mention it.
He came by last night, from 4 hours on his motorcycle (he'd gone to an old friend's 60th bday gathering). I had invited him for the dinner and forgotten I had a church commitment. So for several hours I cooked up a storm to fix him the meal anyway, was going to leave it on his porch. I had to shoo him away but he hinted as how he could come back later, and I said sure, maybe I'll see you later...and he reappeared with a DVD and we climbed onto my bed and hugged onto each other like lampreys, no sex involved or even needed I think, and it felt so gooooooooood. I drowsed off and he tottered home all tired and I am fine.
We didn't Have a Talk. We Had a Hold.
Who knows, lordy knows I don't, but though I feel a teeny bit more detached (that's good for me) I no longer am scared (today's weather report) and do not feel abandoned. He may have had to act out just a bit of independence, as so many of you conjectured, last weekend...and it was just bad timing because it interfered with my nervous breakdown.
No fool like an old fool. Today I feel peaceful and safe, and I don't know if it's because I'm releasing him or because he came back, or if it's both at once.
I love every one of you for your kindness and caring.
Your collective and nuanced and varied wisdom's just the icing on the cake. Priceless and lifegiving.
thank you!