This was a really fascinating article and opens up all sorts of possibilities and questions --
I'm with the drug-company-ploy gang. They own us. I work in the medical publishing industry and live in the pharmaceutical capital of the country (all the big drug co's are here). You should hear what my friend who works in one of them has to say. The big money-makers are anti-depressants and cholesterol medications ... and cholesterol hasn't even truly been linked to mortality, I believe. I once heard one of the very MDs who worked on one of the medicines sort of poo-poo the whole concept.
I think like many other things, depression is probably "overdetermined" -- that is, it has a variety of causes, and one person may need two or three solutions. The main question I have for this article is, if depression is purely neurological in nature, then why (or how?) does getting pent-up anger out relieve depression? There must be an emotional validity (source) to it.
Also, I think people forget the appropriate use of anti-depressants. They're there to help someone get up and on their feet and function when otherwise they cannot. They aren't really supposed to be used to avoid problems and issues, etc. But -- here I go!!! -- it's an INSURANCE COMPANY solution. Drugs are so much cheaper than psychotherapy. So push, push, push them. It's all an intense (economic) partnership between the drug companies and the insurance companies and probably assorted other parties.
Ok, I'll get off my soap box now...but I get so ....errr...angry! when people think there's a simple solution to all this. I say this as one who's on an antidepressant (and just upped the dose) -- but I would never substitute for confronting the emotional work I need to do.