"Drug-nekkid" LOL
When the counselor was going down the list of questions, she paused and said, "I have to ask you if you are doing ANY drugs, legal or illegal substances...." and I said, "THAT'S problem! I don't have ANYTHING between me and all this stuff! I should be drinking or something!"
Well, I know that's not the real problem..... but most people find a way to "cope" and I pretty much go the Raw Nerve Method. I am just so odd. I should be shopping myself into bankruptcy, or cleaning frantically, or drinking, or divorced, or just something. Then maybe someone out there in 3D land would identify with me.
My kids had something called "Straight Edge" when they were young. That's kind of me except I'm way too old.
Some day soon this will ALL be kind of funny. I was actually worried this morning that if I took some Mylanta for my stomach, it would interfere with the Cymbalta. I SO want the Cymbalta to work. So, I ate a banana instead. I don't even really like bananas.
Oh, these perfectionistic tendencies of mine.....