Jezzzzzz......I love you and want to marry you right now!!!! I

Nobody has ever written such nice things about me before..............I'm soooooooooo shocked!!!!!!!!

I don't care if you've got a humped back, 3 nipples and you name is quasimodo!!! I don't even mind if you've got: in-growing toe nails, knock knees, a colostomy bag, hairy chest and bad breathe.....I ruv you! I do however draw the line at farting in bed.......if you produce supersonic biscuits (pass wind) during the night, then you're fired!!
As for your questions:
1. Yes.......and no! Of course I'm hardened, who wouldn't be! But then again, it is all part of growing older; we never stop learning! At the time, yes I was very hurt, but I really laugh about it now! In writing that, I'm not trying to cover up any shame or dented pride.....I really do smile about some of the things that happened! I didn't at the time.....and I never thought I would.....but I learned soooooo much about her.....and more importantly, ME!
2. And then some!!!!!
3. Yes. I came face to face with myself.....for the first time! I stopped focusing on 'her' and 'her problems'.....and started to take a real good and long look at myself! So much so, this is why I think I managed to sort myself out. Instead of playing the blame game and finger pointing at her, I turned my finger around on me! Why had I gotten myself so involved? Why had I put up with so much crap? Why had made me so determined to continue with it?......etc! Yes I did go right back and into my childhood and yes, the answers lay before me......I just never really looked for them before!
4. Yes it did.....but I slowly started to address them. I didn't complete the story I'd written during the summer.....I thought it had bored a few people, so left well alone. I did start dating again after a while......and quite honestly, I was bloody awful to be with.....I promise! I found myself asking so many questions and of course, mentioning her name far to much! I pity the poor girls who had to endure me......I was absolutely crap!
5. Now I am.......and I can be very honest about that! I haven't been honest in the past about this issue. A number of women thought that they could pick up the pieces and sort me out so to speak! But quite honestly I was never in any real position to offer any of them much! I became emotionally sealed off.......actually quite cold really! I wouldn't let anyone get on my inside......not matter what! On the one hand I was 'good relationship material' as far as girlfriends would view me, but inside I kept it quite that I had no intention of doing anything with them other that girl friend/boyfriend stuff! I didn't want anything heavy and actually walked away from women if I felt pressured in anyway!
Now I'm a damned site more relaxed and easy going. I think that if you've had a relationship with an NPDer, it's going to take some time to get them out of your system. In a relationship, I have healthy boundaries these days, I didn't before hand! I walked straight in to a situation that I was totally unprepared for.
In business, at the time I very much was involved with companies who were in financial difficulties. I'd help turn them around or put them under. I was a rescuer and could turn situations around. I applied this to a relationship......and paid the price! I didn't give in easily.......I damn well do now!
I knew nothing about NPD...absolutely nothing!! I now consider myself very well read on the subject and balanced at the same time. I do however feel that the entire issue is being hi-jacked by some, for no other reason than greed! I also believe that the same people are doing their level best to incourage the masses to believe that there is a NPDer around every corner! This is not so! If anything, it really belittles those who have come into direct contact with a person(s) with NPD.
Once again I thankyou for reading my material and responding as you have

Now is you can: cook, darn socks and wear a pink tutu in high heels, then my offer of marriage is confirmed