Hey SS,
Go right ahead and rage....Lord knows, I have... I raged my head off in the T with my ex-h.......why the lies,,,, lier,,, lierrrrrrr.....why can't he just tell the damn truth... it's stories.......I was there... and look... he is LYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes he was
The T told me... look he has been lying his whole life.. he is 33 years old.. his lies, forgets them, then lies about the lies...they eventually become a whole story..his lie are truth and truth is lies.. he does not think normal, Deb... his thoughts are not normal...that is why he is here...
He has ABNORMAL THINKING........look at all the years.... he just can't... SNAP OUT OF IT...first we have to find out why....and that could take... many... many....many years.... and only if he wants it.....
But he does not think right.. think right,, think right..... think right....not normal thinking.....not normal....
And this SS helped me...I stopped thinking about what he was lying about...and started thinking Abnormal... they are sick...sick thinking abnormal thinking.....they cannot tell the truth.. they cannot stop changing the story... they cannot not make up a story... they are abnormal....thinkers.... with abnormal thoughts.........
I'm sorry SS I know how angry you are....