Oh, Deb... that gave me shivers! I like to hear the coyotes howl (they sure like the full moon!), but they can be a menace, too. Between the fox and coyote, we used to lose chickens regularly. Now we just have ducks and a couple hens... and the ducks are better guardians than my big dog (and noisier too

Speaking of which, it's hilarious to watch those ducks in the rain! They all line up, facing the raindrops.... and the boys, especially, puff out their chests and extend their long necks upward, and just soak it up. They look like a line of gurus, all absorbed in deep meditation... LOL
Great idea for your son to carry a cell when he's out exploring. A cell and a couple of rocks in his pocket, for snakes... that's what we tell ours.
Tell that boy to stay safe and keep his eyes peeled!