Author Topic: Youtube/message left on a phone.  (Read 7444 times)


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Youtube/message left on a phone.
« on: July 13, 2008, 03:32:12 AM »
I was looking at a sight.. and came across this link..They had it titled. A way not to meet Chicks... OMG.. you have to hear this..This guy..well.. you just have to listen...for about N/P/S's....  Just a Warning....this guy is a Jerk..the way he talks could upset some...
The way he spoke I can't imagine how ANYONE would be interested in him.. This is how he started off Right off the bat...1st phone call...



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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 07:50:27 AM »

Hi Deb,

Thank you ever so much for posting this - I am going to forward the link onwards to a 3D friend.   She has warned me of Internet Dating due to her own harrowing experience, her first and only experience.

The man told her that he was only interested in dating women who are  "Independent and Strong!"

So, my question is;  do men who are N's (or disorderly) regularly say this?

As I thought they would have preferred a 'timid' woman.

As for the rest of this man's telephone message -- unbelievable!  ALL the Red Flags!   At least he gave his N/P or whatever, calling card!

However, I can't imagine how I would feel to hear such a message on my answer machine.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 08:13:30 AM »
The man told her that he was only interested in dating women who are  "Independent and Strong!"

My theory is that they recognize their own weakness--so are on the look out for someone who can counter that.  BUT--they spend the relationship trying to one-up you, because being strong is a threat to them.

My ex NH gave me a venomous look one day and said: "I HATE strong women!"  But, by then, I didnt care what he thought (and realized that being married to him was the reason I had become so strong...)

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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 08:16:07 AM »
Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!!!                         Ami
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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 10:05:35 AM »

This is the voice of my ex son-in-law to a T.

The pauses, the repetition... the dragging out hear his own voicce and control the conversation (even in 3D)

so much the N
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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2008, 10:24:49 AM »
OMG!!  That is hysterical!!  What an a-hole!!  Can't believe favorite new place to poke around........You Tube

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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2008, 01:34:28 PM »
I thought HIS voicemails were hysterical.  What a total buffoon.  Then I listened to the response from Olga (14).  Now that, to me, is really scary.  The whole "I'm working on a script," and her response, "wow I'd love to be an actress" dynamic--is there an older one in the book??


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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2008, 04:52:03 PM »
This guy and his messages had me rolling... what a tool..

I do believe that they (N, S, Ps) have a movie they play out in thier minds..what they think the movie should be...and can change the endings NO matter what....but it will always be thier ending... False or not.. because it is thier MOVIE.. thier fantasy....and when the character they placed you or whoever fails short of what he has written... or is not played out how it is written and directed the movie...takes a swing....and the ending is still his.....

You are sick, have issues.. weak...and he destroys you.. in his movie..with all the characters,friends,employment...and it's his movie.. and his ending....even if not true...or real....

and it seems like the things this guy was playing out.. on the messages.. was saying a whole lot about him.. and his previous movie and the main character.. who RAN before..  or even a current movie going on in his head... who knows.. maybe a wife.... because he did just have to mention....It didn't work out with his past relationship..and said.. there is nothing wrong with him...he is a good catch...he is great in bed..he is writing a script and is around of the weekends....her friends were jealous... she couldn't see that....he had (HAD) to get out of the Area.. was in a rush.....she may have issues, be depressed.. be on a liar..a coward.. passive agressive.....everything he does/did/plans on doing.. he accused her of...including blowing him off... and he was raged..and the abuse started immeadiately... when he was ignored.. not response...

Projection???  Oh yeah........ he is all over the internet and my cousin told me she heard it on the radio..... and now he's international... LOL..... talk about revealing yourself..



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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2008, 05:15:20 PM »


I heard these tapes on a news show.   To me, he is a menace to society, not funny one bit.  The frightening thing is that he'll probably end up with a following of women who want to give themselves to  him to be used however he chooses.



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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2008, 07:29:18 PM »
To me, one of the very good things about this is that these sorts of nuts have been able to operate under the radar for so long.  Now, though, as has been said here, he is revealed all over the place.  People recognize him for what he is.  Hopefully, he wasn't able to isolate this young girl for any time and try to get her in his freaky clutches.  But I did find humor in his messages.  The type where, if this guy had been speaking to me, I'd have laughed in his face.


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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2008, 07:44:47 PM »
Then I listened to the response from Olga (14).  Now that, to me, is really scary.  The whole "I'm working on a script," and her response, "wow I'd love to be an actress" dynamic--is there an older one in the book??


I think the response was a Youtube joke at DUHmitri's expense and not the real Olga.


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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2008, 08:10:53 PM »
Yes, I think it was  a role play and very clearly the person playing Demitrie had him down pat.  So good to laugh and charicature this kind of behaviour. The really smart Ns are not so obvious.

Thanks for the utube site. Really funny.

Sea Storm


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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2008, 08:36:37 PM »
That was the first thing I asked myself: is this a joke?  Both people.  If he's real, it's clear why he's targeting children, I don't know any adults who'd be grappling for the phone to call this freak show back.  I played it for some friends who came for lunch today.  They all thought he was a hoax as well.  Not sure--this was the first I'd heard it.


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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2008, 12:29:47 AM »

They did reenactments of Dimitri...but the words the phone call/message was true.. He approached Olga after they left the same bar as she was waiting for a cab...and then you heard for yourself..

A lot of people redo these to their own way.. ....The Olga you listened to was one of them...

Now it gets worse......

I don't know about you all but I was wondering.. Movie Script he works on the weekends...what Porno?   

I looked down at comments people made and well....found this.... he is for real.....

and I WARN YOU if you go to his site... HE IS EVEN MORE OFFENSIVE THEN YOU HEARD... no porn, but Oh. such a sicko...

he is from Canada.. and Iz.. there is an article in the Toronto Sun...

any way for those who wish to read....

Goggle... Dimitri the lover....

I won't even post the link.....




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Re: Youtube/message left on a phone.
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2008, 12:41:52 AM »

I'm confused now.  Did someone figure out who this guy is, and he already had a web presence?  Is that what is going on?  Or did someone take the original voicemail and turn it into a fake persona? 

My first impression when I ran across the voicemail on a blog was that this guy was a garden-variety N like the one I was married to (very grandiose and resentful).  He sounds more sinister now--but I can't actually tell what's going on without really reading all this stuff.  Probably would feel slimed afterwards...

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010