CarolynAnd your example, with the cops, makes good sense. The one man could not fathom those 10 needless deaths...
and he actually wound up sounding quite N, didn't he?
Only concerned about himself...
Compartmentalization to me, to use your words, is that the mind just cannot fathom some things (I could be wrong) and in a millisecond it 'goes away' and one deals with more pressing matters. The other cop was not an N. The way I see it, the
10 people were dead, that can wait, his and my jobs are on the line, so he whines "What about me?".
Another example is my accident. That is so severe to fathom never walking again, something long term, I'm sure I compartmentalized the attending feeliings. I had to think about my daughter (how she was, where she was, OMG she won't remember me, or forgive me for not coming home) canceling the newspaper, paying the sitter, getting my car to a safe place instead of being in the city unused (could be stolen), etc.
I will find out from my therapist on these things as one I mentioned on Tuesday he agreed would be one that would "
zap away instantaeouslu' Are you getting my drift?
Now your original family: If you have no contact, no feelings left for them and have 'tucked them away' can you pull them immediately to the forefront? I cannot pull my feelings to the forefront, even about the accident. That is why I appear so strong? Maybe? about it???
Compartments now
Beth I think differ, but I still could be wrong
Your mother is an N, so let's say she isn't for my purpose
I had work friends/people/boss who saw me one way. I would have hated it if a family member came to see me at work and one side or the other"spilled the beans " accidentally" about something I had said or done.
I didn't take people home as I didn't know if they would treated to the "Mom and Dad torture test"--sit there and be questioned about everything while I would sit and be embarrassed. I had to know someone very well first and have faith in them that they wouldn't spill any beans,
One guy I dated ended up at the farm, having driven me home early morning of New Years Day. His car gave out in the laneway and my brother was there to fix it and Jack was under the gun with Mom. I was a nervous wreck that anything he would say, although not outright, might lead her to know we were sleeping together. Nervous wreck! Yet I could go to his family's home and feel comfortable and liked.
So it was my parents' ways that had me with different compartments that were to never meet.
LCanother one with an N mother.
My mother didn't talk. tell us things, guide us in life, she didn't know how
My little brother died when I was 7. He was 6½ months old. He was sick for only 3 weeks (acute leukemia) was gone to Sick Children's Hospital and died. So was there, gone, then back dead in a little white casket in the parlour. My mom sent me in there to kill flies. (Now interestingly this came up on Tuesday and Dr. Sam (not V.) just shool his head in disbelief and said that was all wrong.)
No talk about death. Not a lick. Death is to be taken nonchalantly? (Grief is another feeling I cannot pull out of hiding.)
I can easliy feel guilty, ashamed, embarrassed, confident in work, and being orderly. By living alone, working at home I do not run into numerous personalities, and all work emails to me are fine.
If I could feel it, I wonder what it would be like to scream and yell and want to kill Al, and feel sorry for myself and my daughter about the accident. I cannot imagine.