Well, for the past 2 weeks I've been the tech-mash unit for faculty & students just getting going with their online courses. Some days, I simply haven't come up for air - except to smoke, of course.
I realized somewhere over these past 2 weeks, that I have to accept this habit - for the time being - as "who I am". I had to do this, I now understand, because the smoking issue is how I "met" Twiggy and learned the story that I suppressed... the lack of being able to quit smoking is what led me to ALL of my process of excavation of memory... of finding, feeling & letting go all the associated emotions... of reintegrating with my SELF.
None of this wouldn't have occurred if I'd been able to just up & quit smoking, ya know? I wouldn't have persisted through memory after memory, realization after realization... all because of a sincere desire to quit smoking, to finally heal enough to be able to quit.
A while ago, I posted some dictionary definitions of some words - it's a way I have of working. Verifying that I know all the roots of certain words can give me valuable clues... I pulled this technique back out again for "boundary (bound)", "expectation" and "justification". For me, these three words contain the key to freedom...
because my mother didn't respect boundaries...
the expectation I had of her - that she would meet my emotional/physical needs - was REVERSED, so that I was...
bound (obliged or tied) to her
and the justification I had for smokiing... was that it helped me control (regulate) my emotions/emotional needs... and being able to validate my SELF in the process (albeit in an invalidating fashion).
Smoking was just like Hansel & Gretel's breadcrumb trail... back to "home" - my true self.
LOTS more stuff going on - about accepting my emotional needs, being able to ASK for what I want/need emotionally, and trusting new people who happen to be authority figures... has been happening without my being aware of it - oh so gradually.
I'm aware of Twiggy sort of fading into "me". She's been bringing up a lot of memories from the past - odd snippets of things that don't have a lot of emotional significance - that are almost deja vu-like... as she is remembering what she HOPED she'd become as an adult... and then I see it in my life. "Twiggy" is less & less like a separate part of me... to the point, that this really is just a way of being able to talk the adult me - and the past, teen-aged me.
I'm fully re-engaged with my job, my life and the people in it... there isn't a lot more to do than just tie up loose ends... oh yeah:
and let smoking go. The "effort" required of me to quit smoking isn't a denial of a habit, addiction, or want - it's an acceptance of it... forgiveness of my SELF for beginning it and compassion for the "why" and how dependent I was on it... and acceptance that I am no longer "that person". I have changed...
not Twiggy any longer; not "Amber" as she was before therapy and all this work. I have intention, choice, will - and can make/keep committments with SELF - no more sabotage. A very different person than when I began this whole process.