I'm glad you're feeling better Axa. What a shock that experience was eh?
Thankyou for Posting because you helped me too.
I might never have put two and two together in this regard but now I see.......
there have been times when empathizing (without maintaining some kind of safe boundary).....that I have slipped into some real negative modes and not been aware of how or why that happened.
I am so drawn to sadness and loss Hope, it is what interests me and where I feel most comfortable. I think the learning here is to be in this place and be empathic and detached......
Maybe it would help to think of it in terms of ........mood?
For example: Sometimes, I'm in the mood for a good comedy movie (maybe I'm even feeling down and need a lifter-upper) and other times, I could handle a sad one because I'm feeling strong enough at that time (and not ......vunerable?). Ya know?
So possibly.....it would be good to take note of one's mood/state.......when presented with certain people or events that might be upsetting? If the time isn't right.....I dunno.....maybe it would be better to avoid that stuff until feeling more able to process it without hurting ourselves?
On the other hand.....I do wonder when these flashback thingys will end? Or will they?
In my case, it's sure taking a wack of time.
I love the way you described it Axa:
maybe this is the universes way of reminding me that I need to be aware of the energy of others and protect my own.
I think that might be it! Reading my words above....I feel kinda selfish.......about putting off dealing with unpleasant stuff until I'm in the right mood or state. But the way you put it.....makes complete sense and takes away all the guilt and shame I just created for myself.
There is nothing shameful about protecting oneself, imo.
It's actuallly.....each person's obligation eh?
Hope the rest of your year is fun and exciting and your happiness returns double-strength!