hi all,
This guy is great! 3 hours was like 1˝ hours, and we 'click' as Dr. and client.
He gave me homework:1.) My Life Story
2,) My Family Tree
3.) My goals
4.) My Problems/Issues/Concerns
5.) What/Who do I want to be as:
6.) What do I want and need in order to feel good about life, relationaships and myself?
If anyone wants the ideas under any or all of those 6 I will post.
His therapy is pragmatic, eclectic and holistic.
Pragmatic is something already on his list of services and with which I agree we get into!
Eclectic is somethig I want to get into that is not on his list, but he will do it!
Holistic is to cover all the necessary things to have a 'healthy body and life'!
Can anyone name 10?He has a whole page of types of interventions he can provide. His history is impressive.
He is a Christian and totally understands my take on Christianity. We had a few laughs there. He is great!
I also must complete some forms re Personal Data, Occupational Data, sign Confidentiality Papers about nothing leaving his office, a Payment Agreement and a Consent to Clinical Counselling. He has all his bases covered and is funnier than Hell. He thinks I am funny, that I have a sense of humour, that I am a survivor and (again) that I have done a good job of introspection and understanding the whys and wherefores of where I now am.
He knows that I consider myself a short term patient.
When it comes to the 'shoulds and 'ottas' and 'gottas' I told him that I felt that if someone attacked me, I doubt I could fight back....that I think of this when I see movies of women doing that....because I dislike physical violence (and you know where this is going with my Dad and with my Joe) and I just cannot see my hurting anyone physically.
OK. " I ought to fight back!" That is an
ought to statement......after some back and forth, what I am to say is that, "I have a right to defend myself".
That is a very simple explanation of why I am seeing him. He gave me a list of "cognitive distortions"...or in my language" wrong thinking".
He also gave me a list of "self-defeating beliefs".
Now this is the goodie and I wish i could remember all the words............................We are! We have surroundings! We begin to understand this and then have
expectations, without a word being spoken!
If that
expectation is not met, then we have
disappointmentIt is at this pont that we settle the problem re the disappointment, or it will fester and turn to (now is where I need the words in order, but I will say) resentment, sadness, depression (you will be getting my drift) and more to frustration, and anger, and that is
when we cross the line to rage, and do not know? are not responsible? for what we do, or the words that come from our mouths.!
Isn't that something? Nip the disappointment in the bud!I told him about the rage of my father, and the one day I heard him alone in the barn, not talking to anyone in particular, but I think he wanted us to hear him,....." What In Hell did I Ever Do to deserve FIVE lazy little bastards like I have". Dr. said, as we are cleaning cow stables, bull pens, horse stable, pig pens and milking the cows, that 'Dad felt insecure'.
HO BOY! What a day and it was great! I am going back in 2 weeks, as today will last me that long.
I saw this guy first in my Searches but he was smiling in his picture and reminded me of
John Lithgow in "3rd Rock From The Sun" and many other shows. I wondered if I would laugh too much with him.....well it's all OK and we laughed about Church, old guy Ken and a bunch of things and he wonders if I have written any of these things down.....hinting about a book.
Oh My and there is more!