I expect I do sound defensive about my life. It does sound rather boring.
At this point I have just learned I will not 'stand up' again and I am to use a power chair for my downtown trips. My shoulders, now, might give out before I do.
"My Ideal Life" .....well....oh. and it must be an honest one that can come true if I work on it. So it must be one in a wheelchair. (I too, dream of me and I am always standing/walking.) So dreaming 'what if' does not belong in this truth. This is for me and what I can work toward, and I see my limitations, although not with anger.
My mother could never stand and she wore dresses. I see now that they were better for using the bathroom. I have no dresses , but use slacks, clamdiggers, shorts and cannot pull them back up anymore without lying on my bed, so I don't use Public Facilities. I must find a place with the dresses I have in mind, and they are not sexy, spangly, slit to the waist ones. I can see in my mind what I want for a style. (There is still pulling up the panties, unless I go without them.)
Anything strenuous would make me pee myself--unless I were thoroughly prepared for it, as in less liquid and and good emptying just before I go. I never leave home without my pee. Life is a bit organized and timed. It is different to be catheterized and there is time enough for that when I really require it again.
I had to remind therapist yesterday that I was dealing with the 2 new things--no standing ever again and a power chair I must buy! So life continues with its little sidetracks all the way along.
Thank you for dreaming about me (dancing yet!) and for writing.
This is new to me, this Ideal Life--ideally it would be to walk again, but the reality is what I must work with.
Oh yes. I am to find pictures to represent my ideal life and use words from a list he gave me. When finished Ii am to read it ( He said READ IT!) every day and work toward that life. I am to have someone else clued in with a copy of my collage and to check on me about Accountability, Support and Encouragement.