Author Topic: On Dire Predictions... for Tiffany  (Read 1191 times)

Certain Hope

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On Dire Predictions... for Tiffany
« on: July 25, 2008, 09:14:41 AM »
Hi Tiff,

I just want to say that I hope and pray you'll not water the seeds planted by your dad when he related that dream of his.

My mother loves to predict that I'll suffer the same troubles and trials that she is facing in her old age.
She actually tells me of these pains, with great relish, in terms of what, as she says, I "have to look forward to".

So... I see this as a way of bringing you down to their level.
I feel that it is an attempt to influence, magnify, and increase your fears...
and I'm praying that this insidious deception fails, falling flat.

And you know... if anyone ever had a growth on her shoulders, it's the woman who tries to carry around the weight of N family.
In order to run the race set before each of us... I just believe that we each need to place that encumbering burden back where it belongs.

With Love,


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Re: On Dire Predictions... for Tiffany
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2008, 11:50:44 AM »

I thank you so much for your encouragemnent.  This resonates with the way I feel about the dream prediction.  Indeed it was insidious and deceptive and completely out of nowhere. I'm doing the very best I can to shield myself from the emotional fallout that comes along with the Nparent.  I will not accept this outlook for my life.  I will continue to plant and water the seeds of peace and health and happiness.  When it's toughest and most overwhelming I chant my mantra "Godisgoodallthetime,Godisgoodallthetime,Godisgoodallthetime..." and breathe deeply.  Thanks again for your support, CH.  You most certainly do nuture in me the seeds of positivity and hope!!



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Re: On Dire Predictions... for Tiffany
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2008, 02:26:19 AM »


What they are capable of still blows my bind.

Carolyn eloquently spoke through the FOO, I echo her heart and strength to see the truth.

Thinking of you with much kindness and peace. seasons
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou