Each task I complete makes it clearer and clearer that the fear is not so much associated with the task at hand but the consequences to come and that has to do with the condemning voice. The double bind about the voice is that it is condemning for past, present and future. I am cleaning up - all my past failures come pouring up, condemnation for the present situation comes up, criticism about not completing the task and about the task itself not being enough, about the task not being accomplished in the right way or done to satisfaction which all leads to consequences about the future and about being so far behind and about not being able to overcome the past and the thing snowballs and snowballs and snowballs until the pain grinds my being to a halt.
Now understand that this goes to every single daily task - getting out of bed - never early enough, never quick enough, then there is the set up about what should be accomplished before the day gets started - walk the dog, read, exercise, meditate, pray, bath, fix hair and makeup, fix a nutritious breakfast that R will eat, get R up, get him dressed and medicine taken and homework in backpack and ................ Until I can't get out of bed until just enough time to get R up dressed, fed and out the door. Multiply this by each and every task - planning dinner, grocery shopping, fixing dinner, cleaning up. Each and every one of these tasks send me through this horrendous self-shaming, self-condemning, gut-wrenching process. Until I put R to bed and just sit, numb, numbing to television, reaching out here, to pained to sleep because it all comes bubbling up into my dreams - the pain, the shame.
Now I know. NOw I know why Ihave been such a failure at life. I had a disease - a condition that was put on me as an infant and that I needed other human beings to liberate me from. But until I could find other humans in as much pain who also had compassion (and the two don't often go together) I could not climb out.
The world is a very, very judgmental place and I have radar for judgement like the Big Array. It does not matter where that judgment is directed - I take it in and apply it to myself. Well for the first time in my life - I think that spell is broken. And now I must deal with the fear - the fear that all that whirlwind will kick in. If that cycle of past, present, and future condemnation is broken then I am free. Thank God almighty. It is a prison that I have lived in my entire life. But like anyone set free from decades in a prison after false imprisonment, I am tentative and not certain how to proceed. That will take time.
I do not know how to live shame free. That will take time. Strangely, it is scary. Now I have another task at hand. And then another and then another. But now I am free to do them - one at a time, one at a time.