I am a bad wife, my husband came down with c-diff from takeing antibiotics, he is supposed to eat yogert, the one he was going to eat was expired I said no dont eat it he said it didnt matter I grabed it from his hand, he pushed me and threw his antibioxices brakeing them all.
he was mad at me becuse of this, and becuse I thought I may of gotten c-diff as well becuse I was on antiboitics at the same time he was he told me he was going to drop me off at the emergency room and I said no could you please go with me I wouldnt like to be there alone.
I also went out with my mom to eat he asked me to bring him home something, he has a stomach bug we went to applebees he couldnt eat anything from there I know I was rotten I didnt bring him anything home.
I dont make as much money as him so i am not able to make decisons about the house, if I spend money I am spending his, I am a teacher I try to make money unfortunatly I dont make as much as him. I am a very bad wife and he tells me so I am mean to him and he is mean to me becuse I bring it all on myself and to everyone I make him seem mean but if they knew how bad I was they would realize why he gets upset. I should clean more I understand I dont do the best at it, I do cook for him and I have not given him a hard time about not wanting to get out of bed, we come home at night from work he gets in bed I make dinner he eats in bed I take his plate and do the dishes. On the weekends he sleeps in bed. I wanted to plant flowers but we do not have the money, we are getting centeral air so I shouldnt complain and i dont. He dosent like to go outside he mowes the lawn every two weeks I do the rest of the outside work. I try to be a good wife he tells me I have alot of faults and I guess I do. I would like a cat something I could hold and love and snuggle with, he told me I have so many things that I cant commit to why should he belive that I would take care be alowd to get one. I dont know anymore he told me I cry in my sleep. Im so sad, I dont talk to my family about him the all want me to leave him and dont want to hear about it becuse i wont. I want to go to therapy to see judith but he dosent want me to, insurense dosent cover it all its ten dollars a session and I dont make alot of money so I cant go. I miss her she makes me feel alive. I feel like Im stuck in a rut.
Im so sorry to complain, My hair is growing in from my sugery im so happy its starting to cover my ears I wanted to put some color in it, he told me no, not until it grows longer im not aloud. my mom got mad and said she would pay for it and he said if I cant pay for it on my own im not aloud. I dont know what to do with myself anymore. Im tired and its all my fault, he likes it better when im not home when I go off with my mom and i come home he seems unhappy, he dosent like me to go he wants to spend all his time with me but when i go and I get back life is not happy. I mess his world up I dont know I just dont know anymore. If I just say ok I will do what you say its ok, he has a Idea to remodle out kitchen it isnt an good one I said how about we do this, he got mad, he is going to redo our bathroom, I said I like it this way I shouldnt have. he gets to plan the house and I shouldnt say a word he resurches everything and my ways are dumb