Author Topic: I feel like I am frozen  (Read 5299 times)


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I feel like I am frozen
« on: September 10, 2004, 10:01:59 PM »
I am that lost child...the one no one paid any attention to.

That child who was thrown to the wolves as a young toddler, dumped off on other peoples shoulders and my mother just vanished.

My world vanished. I felt myself alone and confused, and as I grew up, being dumped off on other peoples doorsteps kind of stuck with me and shaped who I was inside, feeling unlovable, like a burden, like no one wanted me, lost, alone and lonely.

And then when I hit school, I couldn't concentrate. The teachers kept sending home notes and report cards, "someone needs to come to the chool to talk about her, she isn't concentrating, is daydreaming instead of doing her studies." Over and over such letters were sent but no one ever came to help me.

My voice was taken away from me. I would have dreams where I couldn't cry or scream, horrifying dreams but when I opened my mouth, no sound would come out. I would try to run in my dreams, to run away. But my feet wouldn't move.

Then I discovered something. I could run. I could run away. And so that is what I proceeded to do and I lived out on the streets always dodging something, trying to find warmth from the cold, something to eat, somewhere to sleep. I would cover myself in cardboard boxes or whatever materials I could find around to shield me from the ravages of the weather. I would sleep in old barns, sneak into a friends home when their parents were sleeping. One night, a friend let me sleep in their basement. In the morning, I was hising under some plastic because the father had come down into the basement. He heard me. He knew something was under that plastic. It was me. Hiding there...and he lifted the plastic and I was mortified. He asked me to come upstears and he called his wife. I was too frozen to run or lie. I didn't have a home to go to. All I wanted was some warmth and a place to sleep. They fed me and applied for me to be their foster kid. They treated me really well and I stayed with them for a while until I had to run again.

Now I am in my mid life and think about those days when the urge to run would come over me.

I was running from something, always, but never knew from what or to where.

Now in my later years, my life is voiceless, but I have slowly over time come to know myself better and the desire to run is still in me, but I am older and settled in my ways and have managed to make and keep some semblance of a homelife for me and my son.

As lost and lonely as I have always been, as disfunctional, meaning I find it hard to function in life where others might breeze through it with flying colors...I seem to have that struggle in me all the time. As though running ever got me anywhere. It didn't...but when you grow up in horribly abusive situations you learn no coping skills, the only thing you learn how to do is run away.

That is something I had to unlearn.

Somewhere along the line I was able to break the chain, and my two boys are not runners, they are contented and happy, well adjusted individuals. Somewhere along the line, I must have done something right.

Something good. Something to be proud of, not ashamed. From abusive childhoods, you learn how to feel a deep sense of shame that never leaves you. You don't know why you feel so ashamed about every little thing, you feel ashamed for just existing, you being that thing that no one wanted.

Well, thanks for listening to my extremely long winded rant.


  • Guest
I feel like I am frozen
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2004, 12:18:48 AM »

It broke my heart to read your message.  I feel so bad that you feel so bad.  But you are loved and part of a much bigger picture. I read somewhere that when we were in heaven, before we were born, we were able to choose our parents and the life we would live.  The souls that chose to be mentally ill, physically deformed and emotionally abused were the souls closest to God.  Higher up on the spiritual food chain, if you will.  They knew that they would be able to give other people the chance to prove their goodness by giving them the opportunity to help them.

You feel unloved, but you are cherished. You will be compensated in heaven for your pain on earth. I truly believe that God uses us in all situations to be a vehicle for bringing people closer to Him.  In your letter, you said that your friends family took care of you.  Instead of focusing on what they did for you and how unworthy you are, did you ever think how very special you are for giving them the gift you gave them?  You allowed them to do a very selfless thing.  Something that made them feel very good about themselves.  Something that brought them closer to God.  

I hope this doesn't sound too preachy or naive, but I believe in this completely.  To me, it's like the air I breathe.

You also say that you have 2 great kids.  You must be a great person to have pulled that off.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  What happened to you has nothing to do with who you are.  You are everything to God.  Focus only on positive things.  Push that delete button on every doubt.  

l'll be praying for you.

Love,    Dinny


  • Guest
I feel like I am frozen
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2004, 01:30:12 AM »
Thank you, your post was very uplifting. I really appreciate your kind words. It is people like you who remind people of their own value and self worth. Thank you.



  • Guest
I feel like I am frozen
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2004, 02:43:18 PM »

The point you make that hits so close to home with me is the shame you speak of, and it's effect of grinding us into little, worthless, barely exhisting people-somewhere deep in our psyche-we carry that.  

For you, it may have been what caused you to run and to need to run.  For you, running was a coping mechanism.   A way to try to escape the shame???  And the other awful feelings you carried/carry???  To find somewhere safe and loving???

This effect, as you say, seems to stick around a very long time, after we have been abused, and may emerge at periods throughout our lives, when we least expect it (such as when others put us down or abuse us in suttle ways).  This reaction to being abused or this utilization of our most effective coping mechanism is our learned response.  It makes sence to me that we will use what seemed to work for us.

I feel so sorry that you had to endure such a horrible childhood and I wish I could reach out and give you a real, big hug and look you in the eye and tell you clearly that you....are loved by those who's love counts the most.
Your children.  That love is real and it is because you are a great mom who has overcome such awful calamity and managed to do something fantastic!!!  Raise two wonderful sons!!  You are a good person and very, very worthy of much more in this life.

Dinny reminds you to look forward to your next life for your rewards and Dinny, I mean no disrespect because I believe those rewards will be coming, but Guest....your sons are the greatest reward for enduring such a lost and lonely childhood that can be given you here.   And you are have raised them up, done so much right and good, and I am proud of you for doing that.  I am so glad to hear that you have done such a good job.  You have created a safe and loving place for them which is the ultimate gift from someone who did not have knowledge of it, only knowledge of being without it.   I admire you a great lot, Guest.



  • Guest
I feel like I am frozen
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 03:54:19 PM »
Thank you so very much, your words mean so much to me. I didn't expect that kind of response. I thought someone would say, "well, get up off your duff and quit feelinh sorry for yourself!"

The thing of it is, that all I can do now is try. Subconsciously, I refer back to a loveless childhood, and it seems to shape how I think of myself, and that is counterproductive to a healthy outlook, so for me it is a battle each day just to love myself. I am grateful for small doses of self love that I can manage to muster. My boys know how hard a time I have had of it, they were with me all through the years and saw my struggles first hand. They love me and I love them more than life itself. I did do something good...and worthwhile. I only wish I could have given them more. But I gave them all of me, the best I had to give.

Which wasn't much, but they had the love I never did...somehow, I found a way to give all that love that I so needed and desparately lacked, I found a way to pour all of that into them.

They felt it and they still feel it to this oceans of love for them.

Thank you for the kind words, they really helped me.



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in response..
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2004, 12:37:02 PM »
the situation with your childhood is hitting way too close here.. first of all, i am so glad for you, and your kids. especially that you were strong enough to be able to love your children, even after you went through so much running as a child in search of the love you deserved by your birth right and were denied.. you really are a strong person, and it's amazing that you managed to do what you did.. by sharing it you share a certain degree of inspiration..

the responses to this post are really moving, and you all offer such great support for everyone here, it is amazing.. this whole community is amazing..

your situation as a child struck so close in regards to my niece's current situation.. her father and mother both left her upon the door steps of trashy houses and broken homes.. substance abused in her face.. and i was really not a good influence on her at this point either, i admit and regret the horrible influence i was then.. she was argued about in her face and did things which are just deemed irreconsileable from my view.. things that when she was only 0-2 i'm sure could really have made a negative infleucne on her.. i know this is an old post.. and i don't mean to turn it into something selfish.. but the description of what you went through matches her so well, and i am currently at a loss as to how i may help her.. i know she needs it.. i know this 'family' is not a place she needs to be brought up in if she is ever to feel worthy of existing as she deserves.. and i almost feel as though she needs a way out.. very quickly and very soon.. there is a sense of urgency within this which i can't even put into words.. i want her to have the voice so many are denied.. and show her that life isn't all about putting people down like her grandparents may lead her to believe.. or others around her may lead her to believe.. she is only a child.. and she is being used as a tool of revenge by so many..

my heart goes out to you once again.. you are a very brave and remarkable person.. thank you for sharing your story