Author Topic: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?  (Read 4487 times)


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Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« on: August 30, 2008, 02:19:52 PM »
I would really be interested in knowing!
My daughter and I had N-relationships and that is my experience for the main.

Voicelessness was me anyway from the poor parenting I  (and my siblings) experienced
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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 07:55:31 PM »
::raising hand::

I didn't experience that either, Izz.



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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 08:37:06 PM »
Thanks Lighter

THAT'S why we are like twins!!!!!!!


Ya know?  I  was supposed to be a twin, but I was hungry and I enveloped my twin (like ate her) and she ended up on my left ovary, the size of a grapefruit, and was removed when I was 20 and I have been so lonely without her--Stephen Kong told me that!!
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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 08:56:59 AM »
Ack, Izzy :shock:

I think my twin crimped off my cord and ate most of the food.

She was much larger, but nice enough not to envelop me.



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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 09:30:02 AM »
Hey Izzy,

No I did not have N parents either.  I married an N though.  Not aware I did.  And not aware that he was one when I left.  I only became aware of the disorder when I searched for answers..knowledge...

Leaving was not enough for me I had to tie up loose ends...with me..what was I with..still really haven't..he could be N or P or S but disordered, yes.  Good enough..  So I am familiar with these now.  I was familiar with him too.  I was a neighborhood city kid.  I grew up city.  So did he.  I was familiar with him.  We had the same likes..some the same friends...and he fit in like the rest of us.

He fit in with who I would be friends with..who I was comfortable with.  Until we got behind closed doors and that was only after I was married.  Then he was not familiar with anything I knew or a family member..not a father or husband and friend, this familiar guy became foreign to me...I was horrified...and confused...and then although he tried to make me voiceless..for fear my father and brother in law would do some damage to him. But my mouth never shut up..I went for help..searched hi and low...for understanding...what took place...who is this person?  And found out about disorders.

I was not with him that long.  It was rather a short time and I was out. 



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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 10:04:16 AM »
I wish I hadn't had one........but I also seem to be with self absorbed men as well so I am surrounded....

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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 01:46:02 PM »
Thanks Lighter

THAT'S why we are like twins!!!!!!!


Ya know?  I  was supposed to be a twin, but I was hungry and I enveloped my twin (like ate her) and she ended up on my left ovary, the size of a grapefruit, and was removed when I was 20 and I have been so lonely without her--Stephen Kong told me that!!

Could you explain this?        Ami
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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2008, 02:46:26 PM »
Hi Izzy,

My Dad was the opposite of an N. Incredibly sweet and selfless.
TOO selfless. Right through CoD.

Loved him a ton, very grateful for him, though he wasn't assertive enough to protect me from my brother. Don't blame him, he was who he was, too.

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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2008, 07:27:48 PM »
Lighter, Deb and Hops

Well I see we were lucky enough to not have had one or both parents be an N. Do either of you feel 'left out' of the N parent topics, being able to relate or not relate to the posts?

In retrospect, I never felt hatred from my parents because they lied, or called me foul names or were emotionally abusive with their speech

The physical beatings were a norm, from dad, and all of us were  punished that way. Many other things were the norm, but....

......I have personally put all that in an "innocently ignorant'' category of 2 people who married, had children and not 'ought' to have done it.

I think all siblings are sitting on their feelings and I am the only one to question, and I have no answer for that, but I could say....

...that each has hidden within his/her marital state and stayed away from talking with the others about dysfunction because they have their degree of happiness within their marriages.

.... I, however, approached them in adulthood and have been told, more or less, 'get over it', 'live life like you play golf' and another that confuses me to no end 'we have all tried to help you and you have refused'. (I know what that meant and it was bit a couple of attempts regarding inaccessible things.)

So it is they who are toxic to me and I have 99% No Contact

The other No Contact is my daughter's ex who is an N.......and of course the N I practiced on and left.

If my eldest Grandson becomes a full-fledged N from living with his father, I will deal with it in my own way, but he is not in my Will


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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2008, 01:20:15 AM »
Hi Izzy-

According to my psychologist (who I might add has never met either of them) both of my parents were major Ns. And I must wholeheartedly agree!!!!




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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2008, 05:15:22 PM »

Hi Izzy,

My parents were not N's either.

My father was a kind, generous, sensitive, loving man. Inside the home and out. I was very lucky to have him in my life. We were very close. I miss him everyday, and he is spoken of daily with a grateful heart.

My mother was much more complex than my father. She grew up in a large family with a father that was a raging alcoholic, because of what he suffered from he was unable to keep a roof over their heads, feed and clothe them.
To survive the oldest children left school and got jobs to support the family. She spoke about her dad briefly, with disgust. Yet she spoke about her mother and siblings with great love and respect till the day she died. I never understood how she could of experienced such a hard childhood yet left with such a strong bond for eachother.

As I compare myself to her, I grew up in a middle class family. Never having to worry about food or shelter, no abusive parenting yet I have two narcissistic sisters and two brothers with alcohol problems and bully tendencies. Go figure.

My mother turned into my best friend when I got out of the teen years. She has been gone since 2001 and I have never healed completely from the loss that no one could ever fulfill.

Oh she wasn't perfect, but perfect for me. She was not a hugger, lol, but it was o.k. her love for me was never a question because she looked at me, spoke, listened to me always in a way that spoke volumes to me heart. I knew I was loved and I know I mattered to her, I was real and existed in her eyes.

Sadly this is impossible to have on any level with my two N sisters.

Listening to most members that have N parents is extremely painful to hear and take in, considering all the pain I have experienced with my sisters, it's staggering to imagine their deep wounds they have received at the hand of a parent or parents.

I am still confused how I have N's sibling yet not parents. Oh well one for the books.

    x seasons
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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2008, 08:08:24 PM »
As I compare myself to her, I grew up in a middle class family. Never having to worry about food or shelter, no abusive parenting yet I have two narcissistic sisters and two brothers with alcohol problems and bully tendencies. Go figure.

Hi seasons!

This is one for the books!

I am happy that you had a mother to whom you could realte and yes, having N parents must be horror (changing Hi!)

Oh she wasn't perfect,,,,,,,,. She was not a hugger
and 'she was perfect for you'. What about your siblings? What if they Needed the hugging? Did you ever see anything amiss with your parents and the other siblings?

I think you might know the faulty parents, yet not Ns, that I had and one sister to me is an N--a bully, and it began very young. She could have taken her growing years different from the rest----but now that I think, she was the only one I visted as much as I did, as she was closer, geographically. I've indcated that the others might have things in their marriages that I don't know about, because of the lack of contact, because of distance.....geographically.

My eldest sister sent a one line email last year " Sorry to hear of your broken leg" and nothing since. Do you find that odd?
My brother will acknowledge a broken leg or my birthday! Once a year as well! Odd!

The N sister never emails now and the only contact is with my younger sister, but I still have an issue of 'trust' with her and watch what I say.

Any of this familiar with you and your N siblings?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 08:10:10 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2008, 12:00:44 AM »
What about your siblings? What if they Needed the hugging? Did you ever see anything amiss with your parents and the other siblings?

Good point Izzy.

I am trying to remember, because of the age difference between my siblings and myself I did not grow up with them ( so thankful).
 I only have one or two brief memories of them in the house before they got married. 18 and 15 years older than me.
So in my younger years I saw them as young parents.
My two other older brothers are 10 and 6 years older than me. So I do have more memories of them. All normal stuff, boys being busy, sports, friends etc.

My mother told me a story once about when my brother left for school, I believe high school and he did not give her a kiss on the cheek as he did everyday. She said she walked to the door watching him walk down the street and a tears ran down her face.
I loved that story because that was her, in her quiet way she felt the hurt of a mothers heart. I empathize with that moment. As a teen I thought it was cute, as a parent I find it very painful.

As much as I have my beef with my siblings I can honestly say they loved my parents and new they were very blessed. Before my dad passed away we were together as a family all the time.  My parents were always thrilled to have any of us visiting. Of course I was home longer, so I felt a bit of an only child with siblings that visited and left.  :)

My mother would kiss us on the cheek but I don't remember bear hugs from her.  When we were toddlers I remember in pictures she always had us in her arms, also giving kisses. I remember when we left the house she would hold me and my baby brothers hand as we walked down the walk.
She lost her youngest son when he was 6 years old, I was 8.

My mother told me when I was married (she waited a long time to tell me this) that my little brother never slept in his bed, always climbed in with them longer than any other of the kids ever did.
I don't remember this, but I am glad for all of them, that he needed their comfort and they had the joy of of comforting their little boy........ never knowing how precious that time would be.

I believe my baby brother got lots of attention and physically and emotionally. I wonder if my mother held her pain in after her loss and was not available to gush physically over us? Or maybe after a certain age she stopped the hugging. I don't know if some of her ways had to do with her loss.

Whats odd is we are all (siblings) very affectionate with our children, even into adulthood. As adults we do give eachother a hug and kiss.
Funny thought I do remember my oldest sister telling me she doesn't kiss or hug her oldest daughter anymore because she (daughter) cringed for years so she said she finally stopped but says she misses it.

Since I was physically abused as a child (parents never new) I may of appreciated the physical space more. I might of pushed her away from habit of fear if she was in my physical space. So actually it worked very well for me.

My sisters always bragged how lucky they were, how their friends always loved my parents and were jealous of how wonderful they were compared to their home life. Sounds rude to me, but very familiar behaviour.

What was unhealthy was the relationships between ourselves (siblings) parents never in the mix of all the ugliness.

Maybe they didn't receive the hugs they needed, I don't know and they have never said anything. Was she more affectionate in her younger years? Or less affectionate?
Could this be a piece of the puzzle? I wonder.
Thank you Izzy, very thought provoking.

]My eldest sister sent a one line email last year " Sorry to hear of your broken leg" and nothing since. Do you find that odd?
My brother will acknowledge a broken leg or my birthday! Once a year as well! Odd!
  Yes very odd, but not shocked sad to say.

The N sister never emails now and the only contact is with my younger sister, but I still have an issue of 'trust' with her and watch what I say.
My middle N has stopped emails also for no reason that I know of.

Isn't it very hard to have contact with a sibling and be on guard? It stinks not to have someone you can completely trust and just be yourself and let any and all out, the good bad and the ugly. At least I wish I had that with one of them. I think I have let go of that wish as I have gotten older.

Any of this familiar with you and your N siblings?
[/u] YES!

that I had and one sister to me is an N--a bully, and it began very young. She could have taken her growing years different from the rest
Izzy this could be quite possible, you have me wondering the same thing. Very insightful.----but now that I think, she was the only one I visted as much as I did, as she was closer, geographically. I've indcated that the others might have things in their marriages that I don't know about, because of the lack of contact, because of distance.....geographically.
Izzy did you ever share any healthy relations with her? Do you miss her now?

Izzy thanks for asking me the questions you did. I find myself realizing their could be more reasons than I origanally thought why we are so different. ox seasons

« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 12:03:36 AM by seasons »
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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2008, 02:25:02 AM »
Well, you know, seasons, you were close to the situation and might not have noticed.

I am gathering that you were the youngest? and thankfully the last? No wonder your Mom was happy with you. (In my family the youngest girl and the only boy [younger than she] received the best treatment)

The age difference with your 2 eldest sistersr is almost another family. It is possible that things were not the same when they were little and onward. Maybe your mother fawned too much? She sounds loving. We read of many reasons, and you were SO young, TOO young, to grasp anything psycholigical. 'Golden children' can end up as Ns. Scott Peterson did!

I don't like being a wet blanket, but you said you would think on it.

When the brother did not kiss her on the cheek, they might have had a quarrel and from that point he 'ignored' the tender things from before?

As a teen I thought it was cute, as a parent I find it very painful I can relate to that. It is your exoerience, but is it anyone else's?

Now you say your N siblings loved your/their parents? Ns don't usually love, per se---do you have an explanation for that statement?

Wow, I am being a tyrant here.

The next is that....
..... she lost a son 2 years after you were born. oh WOW!! Ya gotta expereince it to know. I was 7 when my mother lost her youngest boy, a baby.

And the last to mention is the brother who slept with her.....
.....I understand that this is not healthy. I think it is something to study on and arrive at a conclusion. I slept with my mother until I was 12+ and my brother slept with dad about 10 years, as mom and dad never shared a bedroom--they did their hanky panky elsewhere, I guess? or? Eww cannot picture it!

From the sounds of everything you were very lucky at home......but some dysfunction can lead us girls to go for the N man.....and you did, as did I!

My thought on this is that we were all missing something that the N suppled, at first.

I hope this doesn't upset you, but I am giving you more to think about for your children and grandchildren/!!

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Re: Does anyone here have NON-N parent(s) besides me?
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2008, 12:43:51 PM »

Interesting things to ponder more about Izzy.
Having someone look from the outside is very helpful and enlightening even a bit scary, but oh well comes with the package.

I was 7 when my mother lost her youngest boy, a baby
I'm sorry ((Izzy)). How do you think effected your family dynamics after suffering such a loss at a young age.
 By the way I was 8 when my brother died, he was six, the baby also. I think you might of misunderstood me, just wanted to clarify.

I received an N invite and I am contemplating going, being a good girl or not going and giving them more to talk about. So my heads a bit dizzy. I'll be back, great thread.

Gotta go get my kids eight ball.  :o

ox seasons

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