Hello all you wonderful people
I have very recently discovered that my parents are narcissists (what a sudden flood of understanding so many things)
I have also recently been diagnosed with PTSD from my abusive childhood (lots to deal with!!)
and now I have discovered this wonderful site, where I have found people going through the same things as me, feeling the same way about their past and their childhoods and their parents.
So i am starting the journey to understanding what is happening in my own mind and in my relationships, to understanding and implementing this brand new concept of setting boundaries, and most of the time I am just plain old confused.
So after reading here for ages I have decided to post.
I have so many things that I could say. So much to vent about my past. So much that is going on in my head, but my primary concern is my current relationship.
I have become concerned that I have gotten myself into another unhealthy relationship just like all the others.
We have been dating for about nine months and he already owes me over $8000. Some of this he has asked to borrow, and because of my lack of boundaries i always said yes. Some of it he helped himself to. When i found out about it, and confronted him i somehow, each of four or five times it happened, ended up accepting that it was ok with me.
So the first boundary i set was around money. obvious even to my limited grasp. we are financially seperate. he knows i will not give or loan him a dime.
but i thought we could still have a good relationship because everything else about the relationship was really good. but now I have started to question other things between us. more subtle things and ask myself if they are really healthy. i know now and accept that I have never known a healthy relationship, family or partners. i do not even have a freind that i trust or am close to enough to talk to about this (because of my pstd). I have enough frineds to hang with, but no one i really am close to.
so i ahve some questions and am asking for advice
my boyfriend, just like my parents, makes "suggestions" on things i could do to improve myself all the time. examples:
- you should start bike riding like i do becuase exercise is good for you (i already walk an hour 6 days a week, and am slimish enough and healthy)
- you are not going to eat that chocolate before dinner it will ruin your appetite
- you should get up earlier
- i cant believe you are still alive when you put that much salt on your food
- dont forget you are going to have to get some work done at some stage (what the hell!!! i work at home so i work my own strange hours but I am ALWAYS!!!! on top of my work and up to date)
this is just recently. there are more. it seems to have picked up since i laid down the money law. does this sound typical?
when i type these out he dosent seem unreasonable to say these things. less salt in the diet is good for anyone. but i feel like a kid with a parent when he does this. i know salt is not good, but none of us are perfect are we. is it ok for our partners to be making these "suggestions" all the time? like i am somehow not doing it as well or being as good as he thinks i should. or like i am stupid in that i do not know that the salt is not good? i am in mensa, but i dont feel smart much
it is making me doubt myself. just when i start to think that i am doing things ok, he points out how i am not and makes me doubt if i am ok? i am so confused. i do not know if he is being abusive or if i am over reacting because i am sensitive because of my past.
sorry if i am going on. but i just want to lay out some of the picture. I have had my own business for 8 years, i am very financially secure, own my own home, do volunteer work one day a week, and have a wonderful furry animal of 1 dog and two cats.
i work contracting to the family business, providing legal services. so i am working for my N father. (going to get out from under that shadow very soon!) so in alot of ways i think i am a pretty sorted person, except when it comes to people. i am constantly anxious around people. i have no concept of boundaries and am constantly in unhealthy relationships, and i am having trouble getting more work to leave family business because i am too anxious to appraoch people, even though i could do a really good job for them.
so my issues are in my head, in a manner of speaking. but the progress i am making is also in my head, in other words its not visible to the people around me. the troubles i am having manifest in me being somewhat socially withdrawn. i socialise but not as much as my extrovert bf does. i like to be home alone to do things like this.
my bf on the other hand is on his third career in as many years. has just got "the dream job" but is still not making enough money for the next few moths, with potential for better income then, to cover his extravagent expenses for the next few months. he has no assets and has debt to others than me. he has no money to pay me back . the little he has is spent on things like aftershave, taxis in beer until he runs out totally.
he acknowledges that he has problems, wants to get help when he can afford it. this gives me hope. is that foolish/blind?
but now with this new job, the possibilty he has to get ahead with this job, the out and about socialising the job has created that keeps him constantly on the go... he has told me that he feels that he is moving ahead, beyond me, and that i am stagnating behind him. he says he knows i am dealing with things in my head, but he is finding it hard to hold onto that idea, with the way things look.
is this bad?
sorry to take so long. though what the heck. will poor it all out, risk boring you all to death, wait and see.....
thanks anyway for providing a place to say what you need whan no one in real life is listening