Author Topic: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more  (Read 4241 times)


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2008, 04:27:08 AM »
Izzy Deer-

Your cleaning day sounds wonderful...and the vibe in your home must be wonderful as well. Have you ever read any books by "The Queen of Clean'? Her bathroom cleaning ideas really work, ie using Tang or a generic substitute... the citric acid makes everything sparkle!!!Though the best cleaning supply would be Bagworm remover/eliminator!!!!
I agree with your observations regarding marriage- I feel as if I will never get free of this rotten business ( Lighter warned me that it would take more than the nominal 6 months, and she was right- and there is no end in sight,hence my change in plans for the duration) I am starting to live today, instead of waiting until the warfare is over...
I think today is the first day of fall (?)- Hope you enjoy a lovely fall and thank you again for your generous help.

Love to You and Yours,



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2008, 04:38:34 PM »
Hey Iz, and where are you?  Where is Hope, Lily and everyone else.

Anyhow, I finished the series of Twilight and I am satisfied with the ending.  I was on pins and needles for a bit though.  And season I did so love the book. 

It's been over a week since I finished and we are still having conversation about the book.  Now more have picked it up and starting it.  It is so much fun talking about this book with people of all ages.  I don't think the writer had this in mind when she wrote it.  It was actually a dream she had and wrote it down.

The thing that is interesting is our views about the my age I have my daughters age she had another...and in the end I can see all the views.  Due to my age. 

I could see me at 17 thinking and feeling that way...then my daughters look at it in her 20's...and mine now. 

They even have a web for twilight moms now.  I laughed because they talked about how their house went to crap once they picked up the first book.  I remember rushing, planning and running around like a nut to get everything done..clean...dinner....and then my time sitting with the book.

My h laughed at how excited, sad, happy, angry we were with the book.  He got a kick out of how we interacted with each other.  My little son did a whole lot of smiling watching us Yak on and my daughters b/f wants to start a   Men against Twilight blog...I hate Edward Cullen club.  Wives and Girlfriends lost to Twilight...  Then said he was going to read it just so he could have conversation again..with us. lol



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2008, 06:12:20 PM »
Hiya Deb,
I am here.
I googled and see this:

Edward Cullen (né Edward Anthony Masen) is a fictional character from Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. He features in the books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, as well as the yet unfinished Midnight Sun, and upcoming Twilight film.

You make this sound very interesting and fun and I wonder if you have read these 4 finished ones? and I have yet to check my library to see if any are there, or can come in from a neighbouring Library. EDIT IN--My Library is overwhelmed with requests---

Would they be in 'children's books, teen's books or adult's books in your consideration?

I finished reading East of Eden and enjoyed it immensely, then I borrowed 5 more from the Library. I go right to the General Fiction, paperback racks, the Suspense/Mystery after that. I check hard cover for authors but I'm beginning to forget my favourites. I borrow some very interesting/suspenseful books and am anxious to get to bed to read them. I also have an afternoon lie down, when I can, and read then as well.

I found myself addicted to the site where I can watch movies. I have seen so many I cannot count and have saved myself over $1,000.00 in DVDs, that would just clutter up my neat home.

I was out to the Office today (need to take the car and my folding chair) then drove on to an outlet for power chairs. I just cannot see myself in one, yet. I sense I am being 'pushed' by the therapist, when she says 2 blocks to the library is too far to propel my chair.

If you might recall, I have a mindset against cell phones, just on general principal and rude owners. I bought one anyway to keep the people quiet, the ones who hound me about having a cell phone. Well that is cheap in comparison to a power chair, $6,000 + depends, and I see some for sale and most just asking $1,000.00. What a loss!

I'm going to email my daughter and ask her if she thinks I am nuts to ask her to keep it, in case a 'family'.... which family?.... aunt, uncle, cousins?.....member needs one and can save them the expense, or maybe she can rent it out for short-termers. Or maybe if she is tired she can use it herself! I don't know.  **thinking**

I don't have any awful/terrible/horrible problems right now but have been responding where I relate, like the "Collapse" my books and movies have taken up my tme....oh yes...and My Work...picked up a pile today.

Nice to know I can be missed!

Thanks Deb
Talk later

« Last Edit: September 24, 2008, 06:17:43 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2008, 07:08:55 PM »
Hey Iz,

Yes I have read all 4 books. I don't know about the Library but our wal-mart has them in soft covers for 7 bucks.  The hard covers are 15.00 in the bookstores (borders) and not sure if it was on sale. 

I didn't care what ones I got, as long, as I got them.  Yes we had two sets here reading.  We could not wait for the other to finish.

My D bought the hardcovers, for collection, and to read again. 

The book, I think, it is the Midnight Sun she wrote is not complete and she stopped it for they leaked it out on the the internet.

The Twilight series  is from the Girls point of view(Bella)..her story.  The Midnight Sun will be from his (Edward) and her trusted people (one of them leaked it) so she is Pissed Off now and so am I. I don't think it is for sale and not sure if it is even finished.  But she left the part leaked out on the internet on her site. Which reminds me I have to read.

Don't read it though Iz if you are going to do the Twilight Series.  Read them first.  I really want to tell you so much more but I don't want to spoil it.... Oh I want to say something...No I won't do it. 

The 1st book has a completed movie which you can check out the trailer and is coming out here in November.  It was supposed to be in December but they pushed back Harry Potter and pushed forward Twilight. 

Oh the writer on the first book said it was not intended for young readers but they put it there.  So yes, you could look in the young readers.  I don't know if my d got hers from that section.  I know mine was right out walmart.

I guess you should go for the chair Izzy.  I think like you.  If I don't feel I need something and my body is doing just fine (at the moment) I have a problem with listening to what is most likely the best for me..  So, don't listen to me.  Even if you buy it and don't use it (for now) the price is really a good price, used. $1,000.  You could probably get back what you paid for it or your d. 

Well I had a week off of books and the house is looking good so I am planning to pick up East of Eden.  I will be back talking with you about the book.  Our own little Book Club Posting. 



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2008, 07:59:28 PM »
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE whose life turned upside down when you read Twilight? Is your house a disaster with piles of piles of laundry in every corner and stacks of dirty dishes at record breaking heights? Have you imagined your husband is a vampire (or werewolf) and suddenly have the libido of newlywed again? Do you convince yourself that "cold cereal" makes a perfectly wholesome dinner? Is the pizza delivery boy now on your Christmas card list? Are your children free to run a muck as long as no one comes too you bleeding . . .(too badly)? Oh, you feel guilty, but that's not enough! You still can't tear yourself away from the book and damned be the consequences! The good new is- YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Fans of the Twilight Series in OUR STAGE of life (whether you're a mom or not) now have a place where we can gather unashamed of our irrational obsession with vampires and werewolves. We have a place where "our kind" can relate without having to wade through all the teenage Internet code mumbo jumbo like "OMG!!! IMHO Edward is sooo Hawt!!!" (usually a dead giveaway that you should be doing your social studies homework for 3rd period instead of playing on the computer.) FYI, it was a group of 14/15 year olds that "changed" me. However, OUR world of balancing family, work, home, marriage AND...our Twilight obsession is unique, fun, and oh, so very humorous. The personal stories and experiences I've heard and read from women all over the world are a blast. YOU LADIES ROCK!!! ...and "Twilight Moms" is dedicated to YOU!!! Enjoy this little corner of the Internet that is just for us.

It was a 16 year old that changed me...meaning...they are the ones who turned me on to the book. 

Have I tempted you even more everyone should read this series..does not matter if you are 16, 22,35,40, 50, 60...very enjoyable and really about true love. 

It's so much fun.. I would suggest girls you buy the book and let yourself get lost into it...and Mud you could tell your wife and then join the I hate Edward Cullen club with the rest of the men.



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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2008, 09:03:05 PM »
Yes Deb,

You have tempted me...................

Don't read it though Iz if you are going to do the Twilight Series.  Read them first.  I really want to tell you so much more but I don't want to spoil it.... Oh I want to say something...No I won't do it.  

........and I had a good heh, heh, heh at that because I can feel your excitement about someone else enjoying a book (books) that you have read and enjoyed. I am that way as well, depending upon the end result for me.....if it was a 'me' book, or a book for all people I knew.

I just finished 'Wicked Widow', as the back cover allowed the potential reader......"Madeleine Deveridge is aware of the whispers behind her back, the rumors that she dispatched her husband to the next world and concealed her crime."

Then it ends up being in the 18th century and when the love scenes came I just had to laugh, picturing all those skirts and his buttoned trousers, etc.......................... and no running water..............and once in a carriage with the driver and a young boy up in the driver's seat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well they didn't fall off!!!!!

charlatan= 18th century Narcissist as she described a certain man, at one point and with the 'stiff language of the time' it was so amusing that  I wanted to quote it pn this Board. I thought I remembered where it was but.....nope!

I have one more of the 5 to read then I will be either buying Twilight.. or borrowing 5 more.

Love Izzy

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: International Library Day~~~fun, fun~~~ and more
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2008, 01:29:54 PM »
Good Iz,

You know I really loved this book and if I was 17, I would feel the same way this girl did.  It kind of brings you back to that age.  Hell if there was a man (vampire) who acted like this Edward Cullen character...well we should all be so lucky.  But no I only get the (emotional vampire that I married) lol. 

Anyway when I went on the Twilight Moms sight there are some very interesting funny things.  Most found out about this book through the young readers and how they raved and before they knew it, like myself, hooked.  They have many teachers who read it to see what was so...capturing about this book and how the kids raved.  Now one has them reading the book in class as a project and doing a report. 

OK  good so I didn't feel like some, middle aged over the hill middle aged...nut.    I also found that many mothers/friends bonded over the discussion of this book. 

I did really enjoy this book and I'm having lots of fun talking with others about it.  It strikes me funny when the women are typing that their husbands showed jealousy with them being so involved in this book with the story and the Character Edward.  So I have lots of laughs.

The only thing that is odd to (me) is that they have taken trips to where the movie was filmed..I believe Port Angeles.  I mean they came from all over.  OK so they are a club who formed new friendships and I can see that.  A fun trip.  The place is absolutely beautiful..rain forrest..and that is what made think...WOW.. that is a place I'd like to visits...not the set...not the cast members.
Some of the set said that the women, grown women, were close to being stalkers....every hour....did you see them...are they here...the characters, the actors.

OK so I enjoyed/loved the book and the interactions with all ages.   You can identify with all feeling in the book...even some of the other characters...such as the mother...the father....especially the mother...and it's funny...because I thought about this board and some flaky moms...and how sometimes the girl was responsible for her mothers emotional needs and how her mom had put something in her head that was causing her (Bella) problems with committing (projection)....OK that is all I will say, for now.  And yes even one of the female vampires...we would say..can you say possible N. You will also see what happened to this person/vampire...and why ..she is so very resentfull...what was stolen from her (as a human).... 

This is where the 16 year old are like ...omg he is so romantic...I love him....and my daughter the same but with more maturity but totally by passed on somethings. ....and then me...seeing *emotions* personalities and being able to think from the age of 17...right through to my age now...and I seen more things then my daughter....And that is the fun part about it.  So the *emotions* of the teens, the adults, just all the characters...are real along itself...exception of being a vampire or a werewolf....

That is the interesting I reacted, my thoughts, that were so right on with the others and my thoughts at 17 what I would have felt...right up to now..and being familiar with the *personalities of the other characters* which was a little bit of everything that we have all been familiar with in life, to date, on our mature experience level and familiar with all the other ages...and that is what makes it so interesting and  much fun for me.
