I Don't 'f'ing well believe it!! In my daily posts from Sam the man at narsissiticabuse.com, up pops their latest wheeze to extract the piss.....sorry, you're money!
In early November this year, they're holding a conference to discuss Narcissism and Narcissistic abuse. Sam and his cronies, sorry.....Marketing Team (Narcissisticabuse.com) are holding it! And guess what, it's going to cost between $200 and $250 per head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am absolutely gobsmacked with this one!!!!
So every member of the aforementioned support (don't make me laugh) group and others associated with the con man himself, are inviting their members to come along!!!! Can you imagine just how many people there are in the States alone who are vunerable right now and wide open to explotation!!!
They've even realigned Narcissism to now include those who don't have NPD. The BS mail refers to those Narcissists who don't have NPD but are destroying their partners! Sam has just about managed to lassoo the slightest problem in a relationship as being Narcissism!!!! Therefore it follows that you should buy his comic and come for a nice chat with his cult follows from various support sites who are getting a percentage.
Am I angry or what
Of all Countries, I hope our American chums put an end to this charade legally! Surely there must be some way of stopping a quack such as this guy from swindling poeple?
Here is the last few lines of the mail that was sent to me.....it nearly made me throw up reading it:
For more information please visit
www.helpfromsurvivors.com and/or
call Mary Jo Fay at 303-841-7691.
Many thanks to Sam Vaknin for his ongoing support of World-Wide
education of Narcissistic Personality Disorder!