Author Topic: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.  (Read 3407 times)


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A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« on: October 07, 2008, 01:35:44 PM »

That is Part 1 of a full length movie (9 parts about 10 minutes each) Odd Girl Out.

I watched it last night and saw so much more than I would have before I learned what I learned here. It reminded me of when I was the star surrounded by my siblings.
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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 03:09:13 PM »
I don't know if I have the courage to watch it tonight or not.  But your thread made me think of Religulous that came out this weekend.  It strikes me by what I have heard about it that it is a kind of bullying - getting interviews with people under false pretenses in order to make fun of them.  It rings to close to home for me - too much like my early life experience - set up - sabotage.  Thanks for posting this.


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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 03:40:06 PM »

These are high school boys and girls, teachers and a couple of Mothers.

I found it rather sad but very enlightening, validating, as well.
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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2008, 08:03:56 PM »
I went to see Religulous (of course).

You're right, WK, he is very snide...

but there's also some sincerity there, he really struggles w/the contradictions, the irrationality...(well, duh, of course religion's not rational). There's a very very revealing scene with Maher's mother.

He's sexist. Ugh. But smart and funny as well.

I'd love to know what you think.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 08:38:46 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2008, 08:15:45 PM »
I once flew cross country in close proximity to Bill Maher.  I have never been able to look at him since.


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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 08:39:11 PM »

What'd he do on the plane?
Was he a jerk?

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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2008, 09:16:28 PM »
Jerk yes, absolutely.  And "sexist" in spades.  At the time he was with Comedy Central--I was not laughing.  I love pigs too much to use that descriptor.  Let's just go with "subhuman."


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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 10:32:19 PM »
OMG! really!

All Ns and defectives go into show business, right? IMO
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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 11:12:41 PM »
I grew up on a weekly TV film set and would say that there's no shortage of Ns in that (Hollywood) world.  But do they all go that way?  Nah.  Many are lawyers, chefs, socialites, car salesmen, policemen.  Don't look at the profession, IMO, because there will always be people going into it for the right reasons.  Watch actions.  Words mean nothing against actions.


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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 11:53:01 PM »
I did make a 'false' statement there. Not ALL Ns are in Hollywood, but many in H'wood are Ns. That is where the 'gays' go to hide, as well.

Oh yes

tinker, tailor,
soldier, sailor
rich man, poor man,
beggar man , thief
docto,r lawyer and
Indian chief.

All over hell's half acre, but I was commenting only on Hollywood, just said incorrectly, as I think all those ppl are Ns.
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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2008, 12:35:33 AM »
I think there are many narcissists in the entertainment/news/reality etc. world which, collectively, those of us at the perimeter might refer to as "Hollywood."  There are also very good people.  People who devote hours and dollars untold to charity.  Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding here, but I do not believe "gays" should go anywhere to "hide."  Homosexual, to me, is no different than any other born trait, such as skin color, hair color (natural), or for that matter FOO. 


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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2008, 01:32:14 AM »
I have no stats on gays in Hollywood, but it is a good place to 'hide' as they are given scripts to be at the top of their game be it a P.I., a Lawyer, tough guy murderer..... and play the parts so well, no one would know --that is just my opinion--since Raymond Burr had me fooled to the very end, but not Rock Hudson, the ultimate in a romatic hero, nor Liberace the obvious!

I never said this was a proven fact. It was my post and my opinion only.

I'm sorry if I insulted you, gjazz. I didn't know.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 01:34:27 AM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2008, 07:43:11 AM »
You didn't insult me.  I'm not gay, I have no stats on gays in Hollywood either, but I cannot imagine anyone seeking "movie stardom" as a way to maintain personal privacy.  In any event I couldn't care less who anyone sleeps with, it's just that I feel one measure of strength in any society is the ability of its citizens to express themselves freely.  I don't know that we're really arguing opposite sides, here.  BTW, apropos of nothing really, Raymond Burr lived quite openly a few miles from me, amongst his beloved orchids:


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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2008, 02:32:26 PM »
I once had to sit in court for fighting a parking ticket.    I was really getting really annoyed when the judge was speaking with police officers before court had started....I had to shut my mouth.

He was speaking about things that really was not for people to hear.

Ok so court starts, Speeding tickets, parking tickets, so on so forth.  I see a man come into court through the doors.  Looking frazzled and in a work jump suit so you could tell he ran in from work.  He was apologetic and polite.  The judge made a comment to him about his clothing.  He said he could not take off of work had a family to feed was sorry but wanted to show up had an hour off and had to go back to work.
I seen this man as a hard worker and doing the right thing.

The judge said to him....Do you brush your teeth?  All the police officer's and the judge started to laugh.  The man said, excuse me, really confused and said, yes sir I do.

I was so pissed off.  I really had to keep my mouth shut so I would not be in contempt of court.

Now the same judge was holding court when  my D got a speeding ticket. I thought OH NO!  The woman in front of her was pregnant (8months) maybe.  He was so nasty to her.

My D got up.  Young 18, long blond hair, Irish Snow looking Clean Cut girl.  Shy.  He was the nicest person you ever want to meet.
Her voice shook, her head was down, she was embarrassed. 
They dropped her ticket to 5 above the speed limit.  No points.  Little Fine.  This was a first time offense and that is what they usually do. They did it for the pregnant woman also but  there was a difference how they treated her.

On the way out he said laughing to my daughter next time take off those heavy Shoes you wear and they all thought she was the cutest little thing. 
Bully's?  Yep.  They pick and choose who to bully.  And obviously the young 18 year old was not.  The older pregnant woman was.

Not just in Hollywood.  Some people just have a different stage.  His was his court room he was the star.. and we were the actors.
I most certainly had to shut up keep a poker face till I could get out and vent what an Asshole he was.



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Re: A movie about bullying, being 'played' and assertiveness.
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2008, 05:34:20 PM »
hi Deb

Exactly what many men (in particular) want...POWER..... Judges, policemen, teachers?, supervisors,.................anyone who has 'power over' and can control the outcome of one's life, as the 'underling'.

This movie showed that the best friend had 'power over' her best friend and gathered her hench(men)girls who just followed along like sheep. It was so sad to see, that those other girls had no minds of their own either.

No one had a conscience?
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