Author Topic: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles  (Read 2045 times)


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Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« on: October 05, 2008, 10:44:58 AM »
I really like the complete protien and grain source found in quinoa..... tiny little I've added to our diet.

It comes prewashed usually, but give it a good rinse as it can be bitter if you don't.

Great product, I hope you try it.

Simple to make, like rice.  Don't overcook and it has a lovely texture you can pair with things (in place of pastas) but without the gluten. 

I also like the Barilla PLUS pastas made with Semolina AND Legume Flour blend (Chick Peas and Lentils) if I'm going to cook pasta.

You get 17g of Protein (30%dv)
             360mg if ALA Omega-e (28%dv)
             7g Fiber (28%dv)

On Snapping Turtles:

They look a lot like regular turtles, but have some differences, besides biting.

1) If they show themselves, their tails are quite large, with a serrated looking top.

2) They have hooked noses, kind of boxed off, but not so obviouse in young turtles.

3)  They can't pull themselves completely into their shells.  Regular turtles can close up entirely.

Now.... for the most telling (and obviouse) sign:

As part of their defense, they have a terrible odor, not subtle

Picture a vat of rotted muscadine grapes, motor oil and fermented swamp funk. 

No mistaking it, once you know what you're sniffing for.

If you've mistakenly picked one up, say, out of the middle of the road....... he'll soon become very agressive and begin pushing off your fingers with his hind claws, effectively launching his head and neck half way round his shell. 

If you grabbed him mid shell, you've already been bitten and will toss him, hopefully to safety.

If not,  you've used good (or lucky) judgment and grabbed him at theback-end.  He'll have even better leverage at your fingers, so don't let him go airborn in the road.  In any case, his snout will come alarming close to your fingers.

Stay calm and put him down safely, as quickly as you can.

When he struggles, smelly crevice crud will fall from his underside.   

If you discovered his differences in your home, or over your car console, that's unfortunate. 

Worry about getting him to safety, then sanitize your hands and anything the crud on or into later.

Did anyone else know they smell and can grow to 35plus lbs, eat birds, small animals and carrion and have been known to attack people?

One more thing to worry about, at the creek: /



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2008, 11:43:57 AM »
I love quinoa! Got a small case of it thru Amazon grocery.

Love turtles, too.

Love your field-notes. Accurate and funny.

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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2008, 02:28:04 PM »
I saw a snapping turtle when I was about 8-9.

He was a monster, dirty in a dirty creek that ran through a park. I'm not sure that I remember correctly if some boys were pestering him or not, or if Park officials came to take him away---just that something happened after we kids moved on.
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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2008, 09:33:11 PM »

Hey Iz,

Are you sure that wasn't Mud?   :lol:



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 11:36:08 PM »

I'll have to check out Amazon Grocery.  Tell me, did you shop Q there bc you couldn't find it elsewhere.... or bc it was a deal or a brand you prefered?

And.... how did you make all these discoveries about turtles? 

Field research or.....

something more hands on:  Oh my goodness, what's that smell? hope it's not toxic waste? what if he's diseased? where's the handsanitizer?

What a mysterious story, Izzy.  It sounds like the turtle didn't fare too well... sorry about that: / 

I guess Snappers are muddier/crustier creatures than non snappers? 

The one I saved was overtly cruddy, compared to the clean green brown turtles of my childhood.



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2008, 01:44:20 AM »
Hi Lighter...

I useta play with box turtles a lot as a kid, found a few snappers, too.
Somebody I knew nearly got a finger removed.
We always got paranoid about the difference when we were small...

And I've done my share of stopping on the road to move ambling turtles to the other side...

I bought quinoa in bulk because it seemed like a good deal, and one of the personal finance blogs I read (or newsletters I get in my email) that I like writer gets a lot of food thru Amazon grocery.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 02:11:20 PM »
Thanks Hops.

::going to check out the simple dollar website::



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2008, 02:35:29 PM »
Hey Light,

I had two turtles.  One was pretty big and I was not sure what he/she was.  We had him two years and he had four legs and 3 feet, if that what you call them. 

So my son took him in.  Boy did he stink.  Anytime you went near the tank his mouth was open and snapping.  But he looked like a painter.

Since then he grew and my son released him back into a private pond so he would be happy again....And me.  Peeewwuuuu...stinky turtle.



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2008, 05:35:26 PM »
sounds like a 'snapper', Deb
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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2008, 08:09:52 AM »

The stink is something they don't mention often.... and certainly don't explain very well, in print.

Did your turtle smell like rotten muscadine grapes, burned motor oil and fermented swamp funk?

I can't imagine having a snapper as a pet, yikes.

Apparently they eat everything in their habitat/tank. 

Frogs, birds, fish and fingers. :shock:



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2008, 08:12:33 AM »
On the Quinoa front....

My friend found flakes, marketed as a breakfast cereal.

Since she can't eat any small seed type foods.... I was thrilled to see this product was available.

She eats mainly bread with soy milk and a little salt, bc of her IBS.

This'll be a nutritional revelation, if she can tolerate it.



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2008, 11:15:29 AM »
Are you sure that wasn't Mud?

I believe snapping turtles prey on innocent little mudpuppies. Seems like a wrote a little post about snapping turtles in our placid creek awhile back.

BTW, we went whale watching last summer and for pure undulterated funk, not much matches whale breath. I guess a few hundred or thousand pounds of fermenting dead fish in your tummy would give anyone a bit of halitosis.



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Re: Better Grain Nutrition and Snapping Turtles
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2008, 12:37:15 PM »
Mud...what do their farts smell like?


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