Last night I picked up a book to pass the time while my son was in choir rehearsal. I did not expect it to be anything but a pastime for a few minutes. I picked something that has engendered a powerful reaction from me. This experience has been repeating itself over and over in recent days. It feels as if something beyond me is coming together at long, long last.
I want to share some of these with people here as perhaps some of you will find these excerpt as powerful and valuable as did I. There are many more and I plan to share more of these over time if there is any interest.
Weatherhead “Psychology, Religion and Healing”
Copywrite 1951 – material taken from 1949 lectures at Yale University
If emotion is neither expressed in its appropriate action nor even admitted to consciousness, it will have revenge by setting up some form of mental or physical distress.
The main difficulty lies with the feelings which the conventions of polite society compel us to hide. Many an adolescent really hates one or both parents – at least at intervals – and we who are parents have no right to expect, let alone demand, that our children should “love” us simply because we are their parents. After all they did not ask to be born. We must win their respect and love and take at least as much trouble to deserve it as we take in others whose friendship and love we crave to have.