Hi dandylife,
Thanks for replying.
Oh My! If one (only) State had free health care.... It sounds expensive for private Insurance.
I expect every State has its own Government iin that case?
All 10 provinces in Canada has its own Government and each has its own Health Care Plan. Only 3/10 Provinces charge a Premium, on a sliding scale re Income.
I have lived in only 2 of the provinces, both who charge on a sliding scale, and used to do Payroll,- in one- and people were registered by a Health Care number through Employment. All the Government needed from each Employer was how many were on the Single Plan and How many were on the Married (or similar.... more than 1 person) Plan.
Then the Gov't billed the employer for its share of the Plan, as well as the Employee's share and a cheque was mailed. The employee's share was deducted at source (payroll). Some Employers provided Full Coverage, paying Employee's share as well.
People not working applied directly to the Province, but whatever, all had a number and carried it 'for life'. They were billed on a sliding scale, so an out of work, poor person just had to apply and pay nothing.
I am now in the other Province and registered as a single person upon arrival, and with my income I pay nothing. I don't work full time...part time for cig money and something to do.
It has nothing to do with how much money one has in the bank, so a billionaire, not working, essentailly couild have free coverage, as long as one did not have a working income over some meager amount ($3600.00?)
I expect the Employers do the same as the other and deduct at source, something like $11.95/mo single, $16.95/mo married...back when I was workiing some 30 years ago,
Emergency Services are never turned down but elective surgery has a waiting list, as well as non life-threatening surgery. We still have our sad tales. A man with eye cancer was on the list, not considered emergency. It was in the papers, following his progress with thumbs down on health care. I think any person on the street would have said EMERGENCY. He died before his name came up. There is a humungous amount of people in this Province awaiting hip replacement surgery.
Canada has a Pension Plan as well, so that at 65 one can receive that pension as well as the standard 'old age pension'. There is a disability plan incorporated into it, so I had worked and paid some meager amount into the plan from its inception for 9 years. I was one month short for full pension but have been receiving it since my accident, as long as I wasn't working and also received an amount for my daughter, which was tranferred to her name at age 18, and she could have it as long as she was unmarried and in school until age 25. She married at 20 and lost her share. At 65 it reverts to a Retirement Pension. Again, it never was an issue how much money one had in the bank as long as one did not have a working income over some meager amount ($3600.00?)
I receive "Old Age Pension' (I hate that name for it) and "Canada Retirement Pension."
Take care of your hip bones