Author Topic: Malignant N on TV  (Read 1730 times)


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Malignant N on TV
« on: October 15, 2008, 12:44:16 AM »
Starz network has a TV mini-series spin off of the movie Crash.  On it Dennis Hopper plays this character who is a raging N.  IMO, he is  a classic example of what the most malignant Nism looks like up close. 

Also, the HBO mini-series, Trueblood, a modern day take on vampirism, directed by the guy who did Six Feet Under, has some interesting perspective when it comes to Nism. Although, I haven't singled out a particular character who is particularly N, (I have a hunch about the bar owner), the entire modus operandi of the vampire both emotional and physical are based in the principles of Nism, the manipulation, the drawing off of another's energy/essence, the deception, the predatory nature.

Both shows are somewhat "out there" but I find them to be an interesting referendum on Nism when viewed from a psychological perspective.

There's also, The Hills on MTV.  That guy Spencer, Heidi's boyfriend.  He's not a character.  He's a real life N-in-the-making. He's only 20 something, but he is hard core N.  He's an emotional abusive boyfriend, controlling, manipulative, overly sensitive, rageful and arrogant.

I just got Comcast On Demand Service.  I don't watch what's on anymore, I parouse the On Demand list and watch whatever.  My curiosity generally gets the best of me and I can't resist a new story.
Just thought I'd share.  :roll: :| :wink:

« Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 01:10:16 AM by jordanspeeps »


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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 12:38:31 PM »
Hi Tiff

I haven't seen any of what you mentioned, but have watched Dexter, the sociopath, killing all people who 'got away with murder'. He narrates quite a bit and tells us what goes on in his mind. There is humour in the show and he has a lovely girlfriend, a single mother of 2, and now pregnant with Dexter's baby.  He works in the Police Lab and has a ½ sister on the Force.

The premise is that when about 3 he had seen his mother and others slaughtered with chainsaws. He was found there, all covered in blood, and his adoptive father took him home. However the father was a sociopath and taught Dexter all he to kill and get away with it.....turns out that man was his real father...had a fling with the Mom.... therefore the ½ sister thing.

Away from that, I have seen a number of movies in which people are acting like, and are called, Narcissistic, or Psychopathic or Sociopathic.  The disordered state is being used more and more, so perhaps the entertainment Industry is becoming more aware of its existence.

If people will believe, or check up after seeing such shows, then maybe this is the way to spread the word?

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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2008, 10:42:39 PM »
Hi Izzy,

  The disordered state is being used more and more, so perhaps the entertainment Industry is becoming more aware of its existence.

I agree with this statement and also believe that art has imitated life many times in the fairy tales, literature, theatre, etc.  With the best stories being about the fight between good and evil per se, Nism becomes a prevelant theme.  The villian is almost always a disordered personality, I've found.



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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 12:47:57 AM »
I happened to catch this episode once when my son was watching it.  I don't really watch it but I remembered this one.  Talk about N's.  The show is entourage an HBO series. I think Ari's partner left and he is *feeling* and pissed about feeling and wants his Anger back.oh he finds it he goes and hunts down his therapist on the golf course and you see him in action N action.

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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 10:48:29 AM »
I just got Comcast On Demand Service.


If we are what we eat maybe a little more Leave it to Beaver and Ann of Green Gables and a little less Psychopathic Vampire with a Chainsaw would be an idea to consider? :lol:

Why would anybody want to watch them after living with them? Just watching something as inoffensive as Everybody Loves Raymond makes me squirm.



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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2008, 12:18:16 AM »
Hey mud,

I haven't a clue why I partake in such television fare...  I am oddly attracted to a crazy variety in entertainment.  Most of the time, I consider it mindless but other times I see my interest in reality tv and shows about modern vampires anthroplogically significant.  :? 

Now that you mention it, could watching these N-shows be my way of bonding with my much beloved N-familly?  :lol:

I've gotta say I've never seen Everybody Loves Raymond.  What's that show about?  Why does it make you squirm?



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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 05:55:02 AM »
Do you guys know the tv show House.  Well, the main character is like a carbon copy of my ex - he both looks like him and behaves like him.  His attitude to people is the same and his inability to respect anyone gives me the shivers.  Mostly I turn it off as it is too close to the bone for me.



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Re: Malignant N on TV
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2008, 01:39:50 PM »
I thought of House when I saw this thread too.  And of course written right into that plot line is that he was an abused kid ("I am who I am because of him, for better or worse...").  I think this particular show would do very well to go the other way now, and show his struggle to break away from the pattern, because they have such a strong actor to work with.  Mystic River, anyone?