Aw Hops - thanks - I love that opening up the concept of Behold into Be and Hold. That feels so good. I sure could use that "hold". It reminds me how incredibly thankful I am for my son. He is very loving - asked the other night while we were sitting on the couch, if I would like to "cuddle". "Who could say anything but 'Yes' to that," I replied. He loves to take my face between his hands and kiss me on the lips. When I tuck him in at night and kiss his cheek he'll say, "Again Mommy on my lips." Who could resist?
PR - the way you phrase it makes it clear to me that I have made a real move. There is a huge difference between paralysis (no movement) and resistance (chosen stillness). The psychological progress is very apparent to me when I read your post.
How interesting to me. It comes just days after Ann made the point that I needed to quit separating the internal from the external and no sooner do I get that message then I actually SEE the shift. So strange how this all works together.
Today the judgment/condemnation stuff is hammering down on me. Struggling, wondering how to get my mind out of that dark place into a place of light - and I found one - haven't solidified it yet but will continue to focus on it until it grows large enough to "get".
Thanks all!