before I slid back.
I received news my middle nsister loosing her job because of her company relocating. I may of got the message wrong after reading her email to me.
Now I am trying to back paddle, because I see old patterns in her email. I contacted her because I felt really bad, thinking she had no job, and after hearing she was going to start looking. Now I see I was a bit wrong.
Email exchanges below.
Oh my gosh, Theresa just told me Tru is moving to N.Y.
I am in shock!
How are you doing?
Was this something you new was coming?
I'm sure everything will work for you. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.
Trisha I am very sorry. ((hugs))
Walk/Coffee soon. Miss you.........
Love, seasons
Hi seasons,
I am in shock still. Last year Tru bought Blank laboratories in Hud NY. They made it clear that
they will stay separate. And that was it. Never any talk. We had a meeting last Tues. and Gene
Neill (the ceo- not brothers) he talked about trying to increase sales on a large note pad you would use in a meeting, then flipped the page and said to do this we must be one with Blank laboratories ===starting in
Dec 5 here is a list who will be going to Hud NY and in Feb 6 here's a list. If you decide after a month you do not like it we will give you a pay check till you find a job (you better get one right away) a week per year that you are there.
Well the way the economy is I will never find a job the same pay not that it is great it gets me by I could never go less. I am struggling with the heat like everyone. I am in the Feb. group. People were crying.
He said we are sorry to add 2-4 hrs to your day each day *yeah without a pay increase=spend more gas and time away from personal time.
I took the ride Sat with Michele and Kaitlyn -with NO traffic one hour and ten min. from my house. Never mind if there was a traffic jam during the week.
when I got home I was exhausted I called my boyfriend and said I am too tired to go out I have on jeans and I am ready for PJ's lets stay in and get a movie. I was asleep by 8:30 I don't know how to work 8 hrs in between !
Of course the kids want me to find another job and not worry about me and the bad weather driving
to NY everyday but they don't understand at my age I will not be able to find a job.
The machine shop is staying and assembly and they are hiring a plant manager and I will be doing everything thru email. My 13 miles ea day is turning into 92 miles. 12 min ea way is from 1-1 1/2 hrs.
Can't believe it still. And the route is the worst. Take 12 to Burlington Mall then take Lowe Rte 3
to Blank and Hud is next to it. Jordan's Furniture anyone !!!! They say forget Fridays getting home
traffic is a parking lot.
I would love to go for a walk or coffee. Sunday I carved pumkins with Alyssa and Justin and Alyssa went for a walk with me. She did great. Talks more than we do !!!!!!
Call me. My hours at work are 7-3:30 (the only good thing!) I can go anytime then or after dinner.
I lost your tel number. One of these days I will be organized.
Let me know when you want to get together . Call me at work 555-5555. or Sat or Sun.'s
Love ya
I recieved this one this morning.
Update !
I never told them I was going to go and now Pete my old boss is coming down today from Hud, NY to take me to lunch to talk about the changes. He will be my new boss up there. He must be scared I am looking for a new job. I used to do all his work!!! Hopefully he is offering more money (hahhaha)
I emailed her back, being brief and trying to back off.
I'm heading out. But wanted to wish you luck. Hopefully your new/old boss has better news for you. Maybe something up his sleeve, in your favor. You never know.
Goooooooooooooooooood Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am trying to catch myself and not fall into old patterns. I am just glad I didn't meet her, I don't think it would be of any healthy value to me.
Just needed to get this almost blooper of my chest. thank you for letting me share, seasons