Author Topic: The Obama Era  (Read 1010 times)

Gaining Strength

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The Obama Era
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:40:29 AM »
What is the Obama era? What is it going to be?

The pundits and journalists are already writing about this - 60 something days before he even takes office. They are writing about which presidents had an era: FDR, LBJ, Reagan. And they are talking about the Obama era.

Who knows what the Obama era will be marked by, be known for, be remembered by. But one thing that the Obama era will be marked by is his empowering ability to look for the good - in people, in events and in nations.

In an article in yesterday's NYTs Sunday Magazine Ron Suskind wrote a paragraph about a speech Obama made in Manassas, VA on election eve in which he reference a chant by a small older woman in a small rural SC town, a chant that had a power to inspire a man and through him inspire a nation.

I am so ready to move past my own life experiences in which I felt more threatened by friendly fire than the bullets of my enemies. I am so ready to have the courage to step out into this hostile world, all alone, and fight for my own dreams and my own well-being, to fight for the right to make money and provide for my family. I am ready and I am inspired and encouraged by these words - that came from a small, older woman and spread by a man of courage and a man with vision.

That's what the Obama era has already started in me.

Here is an exerpt of that speech that Suskind wrote about yesterday:


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Re: The Obama Era
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2008, 10:01:56 PM »
Awww, too.

I am so happy to think how he's inspired you.

Me too, me too.

I have no reason not to rejoice.

I heard Tom Hayden today talking about what it was like to be in Grant Park, where he'd been arrested 40 years ago during the deep dark despairing protests against the monstrosities of Viet Nam...but this time, this time, it was "a mass outbreak of happiness".

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Obama Era
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2008, 12:44:46 AM »
Hey GS,

Thanks for the link....Loved It. 

I like Obama very  much and just now watching it  I felt ...FIRED UP!.  That is also two words that I say often for they have been said to me many of times in my deepest days of wanting to shut it down, turn it off, go back to bed, let it go or just plain stay scared and not move forward....and then I would hear...get mad, get out, get ahead, don't shut down, don't back down...fight, fight, fight.....FIRE UP!!!!

I also say them to others  FIRE UP!!!  feel it...don't shut down, don't let it happen, fight, fight, fight and FIRE UP!!

I even use to yell it at the Football Games....standing all by myself up in the stands....FIRE UP BOYS,,, FIRE UP.. then all the rest of the crowd would yell and then before you knew it Everyone was Fired Up and it was electric....

and I say them to myself at times I do not want to do something or am afraid of something....Deb, Fire Up Girl!!! you can do this....FIRE UP!!  or I will recognize when someone is  there....and say...oh boy! They are Fired Up!

You are Fired Up!!! Go girl Go....

and I'm excited and well what more can I say...I'm a Obama Mama and I do think that he is going to be a very important and loved President with many great changes for us all ....and

I'm fired up...I'm feeling it.
