Hey Lup,
Aw, your pot just boiled over is right. It happens. They frustrated and hurt your feelings over and over till the pot boiled over.
Telling them to do it themselves and walking out, so what.
I don't see backwards either. I see forward and feeling's not being buried, emotions flowing out of your eyes down your cheeks.
That Lup is normal. I see that as growing. I see a huge step forward, You cried! This had been going on for a long time and just happened to be that day when maybe, everything bothering you, boiled over..not just their nagging...and your tears flowed out.
It happens Lup. We are human. Professional or not...We are not machines. We have feelings.
They also have some things to think about. I would go over in my head and my heart of pain and my nagging that caused someone else to Cry. The pressure Cooker...did I cause so much pressure on this person that they boiled over into Tears. Was I being insensitive to them, etc.
You acting like A teen ager and not a professional? Oh I don't know about that Lup. I have had tears escape least and not when I expected it to. It's feelings that sometimes are hard to control.
You were hurt and the tears came. You are not a machine. You are not made of stone. Even though you detach sometimes being around people (elder or not) meant or not, annoying or not....we leak out our feelings...
I say better to leak them out then to become hardened from them and fester with those feelings that ARE TRUE hurt feelings...and something that you love and hold so close to you...your music... something you enjoy intensely...
It just boiled over..from trying to stay detached from your emotions (I think). Try not to suck them in. They hurt your feelings, they frustrated you, and they may have to take responsibility for hurting you too. I know I would. I would have to look deep inside myself to see why and what have I done to make this person feel so upset...What did I take part in...to make this happen.
There are two sides to the street.
Lup you seem to worry that if you explode and show emotions and loss of control of them, show you are very hurt, that people will hate you.
Your not Stone, hon. Your are so very Human and showing that you are, that is all. Sometimes we get so caught up into things and so intense that we forget others have such feelings and when they cry...we are reminded...we went to far and possibly hurt them without intentions of doing it...but we do it.
I think this is what happened with all of you.
At the end, one member of the choir came and told me he and his wife loved me and he wanted to take me out fo rlunc.
Thank God, these people are good and they do not hate me. They did not fire me or anything. They want me to keep playing for them.
You can show emotions have those Tears Flowing and still be loved.....no matter where or when....Your hurt and that is what they acknowledged...not the time or the place.
It's alright Lup. Cut yourself a break. It's not backwards.