Hoo boy.
The hearing is happening Friday morning.
I am dreading it but whatever will be will be and I will be all right.
The one thing I've decided is that no matter WHAT the ruling is, I will not allow him to have access to the space where I live. Never again.
If I'm tossed onto the sidewalk, fine. I will not let him in.
I am being dramatic but it's nerve-wracking. I wish my lawyer were more involved. Or maybe he is and listening to me be scared and dithering over my mistakes has driven him nuts.
Anyway, I have good friends to witness to my care of my mother (and fear of my brother). He has thoroughly poisoned the nursing home staff (not the regular nurses and aides, who see me all the time--but the administrators). So he may call them and they will fuss over my paying late. Haven't for three months, but I did, it's true.
Oh well.
What will be will be.
If y'all can send serenity, especially Friday morning, I really believe that works.
love to you and thanks too,