today's the day to rest, gentle Hops... take it slow & easy and surround yourself with your friends. Call your daughter. Pamper yourself. You have much to be grateful for, in what transpired - due to your hard work, you know, in finding a way to successfully defend yourself. Time to let all the dust settle, arrange itself in the new pattern and catch your breath.
There's time later to dissect the situation, but overall I'm happily overjoyed for you!
I don't know about you, but one of my biggest fears about the abuse that I suffered was that other people simply wouldn't believe me - they'd believe my abuser(s) instead. Your courage in seeing this court case through, your courage in
defending yourself is proof positive for me, that we will be believed and that justice isn't blind and deaf or tilted in favor of those who are acting unfairly or maliciously. Even though the final judgement is some time off, yet. The reality of the situation isn't something your brother could bullshit or twist around in his delusional fantasies of being so powerful. He revealed himself within the reality of the situation to all present, it sounds like.
Pity and compassion don't equal love, for me. Love speaks a language of mutual respect and appreciation of the other. Love boosts the other in positive ways, emotions, and connectedness. Cares about and for the other. (like gennulman's yeoman patience and attendance to your ordeal) Feeling sorry for your brother has to include the fact that he's already rejected love - from anyone. Maybe most importantly, himself. He'll stop at nothing, it looks like, to prop up his delusional image of himself. Don't let your guard down, just yet.
You also revealed yourself, Hops. More courage and maybe the most important kind. You weren't found to be wanting or in need of pity. In need of compassion for your long-suffering patience & forbearance, perhaps!
This is a victory on so many levels... I am so, so, so happy for our Hopsy!
:: doing my happy dance::