I had an eye-opening experience over Thanksgiving. It involves my M, whom I've described here in the past as having a "mirroring" personality. I believe there are other names for this personality disorder. It's a sort of inverted form of narcissism. My M has always cast herself as the lover and defender of little children. She tells herself that she absorbed all the poison my NF spewed and protected us. But my family had a profound scapegoating dynamic, and the truth is she played right along. And I saw this dynamic being repeated in my brother's family. His five-year-old son is the target among his FOO. And early during the Thanksgiving weekend, my M announced that "'Johnny' (the boy) doesn't like me." She said it just the way a child would. I sort of laughed. "Huh?" She said, "he doesn't, and that's OK, he just doesn't like me and that's that." A five-year-old kid. Later, he grabbed some little knick knack from a friend's house and put it in his pocket. It was returned, with apologies, and an appropriate discussion about not taking things that don't belong to us. But my M's reaction was startling. "He's going to be a criminal." Said with venom, hatred. "He's a bad kid. He's a thief." She's telling herself the whole problem is HER lack of influence in his life, because he doesn't like her. Now, she always has preferred the company of children to that of adults. It suddenly occurred to me: what she gets out of that isn't unconditional love FOR the kids. It's unconditional love FROM them. It's all about her, just like with my F. This was a sad realization for me. It makes me understand why I subsumed my own needs to hers for so many years--why I continue to, in many ways.