Author Topic: Destructive effect of stress  (Read 5176 times)

Discounted Girl

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Destructive effect of stress
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2004, 10:17:45 PM »
Yes, thanks OM for the info -- I truly believe this non-nurturing mother stuff damages us. You know all my life I heard about how the NQueenmother was so "out of it" and "sick with raging fever" from the difficulty of my birth that she did not hold me or touch me for 6 days !!! Six days !!! A young woman in her early 20's gave birth for the first time and did not want to hug, kiss and hold her new baby !!! Is it any wonder I never felt loved? I wasn't loved. Just amazing -- but I know why -- as a flaming N she has to be the star of the show -- she would not play second banana, not even for her own baby. :roll:


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Destructive effect of stress
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2004, 05:12:01 AM »
You know, I wonder if someone can develop N later in life.  It is almost like my mom didn't become this way until she became successful because I don't remember her not being loving to me at a young age.  She nursed me..............isn't that nurturing?

I do remember being left upstairs to go to sleep by myself when I was 18 months old to two.......had nightmares about a rocking horse in the room for years after that.

And remember being driven to VBS or some kind of daycare at 4 and left outside.  I just stood there and cried for what seemed like an eternity until the crowd walked out of the hall and kind of enveloped me...then a nice teacher came and got me and brought me in.

And the time after kindergarten that I went home and the neighbor let me.  I was all alone for several hours.

Don't know.  Now I am convinced I have an eating disorder.  I'm chubby (not fat, fat) and cannot lose it.  It is like I have a mental block from being cute.  Maybe it's because my mom called me "fat fat" as a child.

I don't know.  Can't sleep.  Is that because I am premenopausal or psycho???

She also said to me once, "you're ugly on the inside and the outside, too!"  I was five.


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Destructive effect of stress
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2004, 08:04:08 PM »
Hi DG - My NM handed me to her parents at my birth and told them that they could Have "It"! That she didn't want "IT"!  She says I came at the Wrong Time!  Like it was my fault that I was born at the wrong time in her life!! Then she hired a baby nurse for a few weeks so she wouldn't get her hands dirty, I guess.  Now, she says if she hadn't had such a hard time giving birth to me, that she wouldn't have the dropped bladder problems, she wouldn't have fallen arches, and so on - all my fault, apparently!  Yes, I didn't get any cuddles, either.  I was just a huge inconvenience for both my parents, and a huge imposition, much like you. Oh, and yes, apparently she lost her lovely figure while she was pregnant, and nothing is worse for a N than to lose her so-called Good Looks!  So, "IT" has been paying for that, one way or another, ever since.
Thanks to this group, I can now see how pathetic she really is.
Thanks, all!
~ OnlyMe