Hi DG - My NM handed me to her parents at my birth and told them that they could Have "It"! That she didn't want "IT"! She says I came at the Wrong Time! Like it was my fault that I was born at the wrong time in her life!! Then she hired a baby nurse for a few weeks so she wouldn't get her hands dirty, I guess. Now, she says if she hadn't had such a hard time giving birth to me, that she wouldn't have the dropped bladder problems, she wouldn't have fallen arches, and so on - all my fault, apparently! Yes, I didn't get any cuddles, either. I was just a huge inconvenience for both my parents, and a huge imposition, much like you. Oh, and yes, apparently she lost her lovely figure while she was pregnant, and nothing is worse for a N than to lose her so-called Good Looks! So, "IT" has been paying for that, one way or another, ever since.
Thanks to this group, I can now see how pathetic she really is.
Thanks, all!