Author Topic: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update  (Read 5954 times)


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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2008, 07:35:44 AM »
GS - I really understand what you've expressed. Each one of the 3 nutrients: competence, autonomy, and connectedness rely on and support the others. Like a 3-legged stool, if any one of the legs is missing or weak - the stool isn't functional anymore. It tilts, wants to collapse.

I haven't been able to find a linear dependency in these 3 though. In other words, connectedness isn't proportionately affected by just competence or autonomy, in some sort of recipe or equation. Rather, I'm seeing that all three are necessary simultaneously and that perhaps the TYPE of competence, autonomy & connectedness is more important than the amount. It's clear to me, that for connectedness to occur - all involved need a level of autonomy (boundary of "me" - "you")... and some competence at expressing oneself. It seems a paradox - but isn't - that in order to feel connected, one must first be clear on the separateness of autonomy. How can I be connecting with you, if I don't accept... don't acknowledge... that we are two people completely independent of each other? That we have our own thoughts, feelings, lives, looks?

That seems to be a prerequisite to me, to being able to say - I understand what you've expressed here. But it hasn't always been that easy for me. The weak leg on my stool, was not allowing myself connectedness... because I didn't have a sense of either my own autonomous boundaries... or through my very negative attitude about my competence. Seems like a closed loop system, doesn't it? With lonliness & isolation reinforcing my negative (and incorrect)  beliefs about my own abilities and worthiness of a relationship with anyone... so I'd do just about anything - including sacrificing my basic boundary of self-determination - for that feeling of connectedness. In a way, it was cognitive dissonance that helped me glue those 3 legs back on the stool in the proper orientation.

Had to go look it up, again: cognitive dissonance (wikipedia's version) is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding 2 contradictory ideas simultaneously - including attitudes, beliefs and awareness of one own's behavior. (emphasis, mine)

Cognitive dissonance is at play, when one is being gaslighted. I knew what had happened to me, despite all the various ways my mom lied about it, covered it up, made excuses to doctors for my psychosomatic symptoms. I knew it wasn't a good thing to simply "forget" what had happened; I didn't want to; I fought it tooth and nail until finally I gave in so completely to my mother's unrelenting denial - that unwittingly I gave up too much of my boundary of my SELF, for the relief of connectedness. The relief was real, as was the struggle. Even during the long fog of dissociation, I was fighting for the right to my self - my memories, my feelings, my thoughts (what I call the chronology of the trauma) and maybe more importantly, the right of deserving connection at the same time, as being autonomous. With my mother - it was either/or. If you insisted on being independent, you didn't deserve to feel connected.

She controlled me through denying me my autonomy - not physical freedom. No, I could come/go as I pleased - just leave me a note saying where you are and when you'll be home. At 14. She controlled me through denying me the right of connectedness (just leave me alone...), and competence (can't you do the 1500 things I expect you do; can't you be a parent -of my mom- at 14?? Even though I denied you that right, after the trauma??) and autonomy (you won't remember it right...).

Ah, I love the smell of abuse, in the morning. Damn it.

Been thinking a lot about attachment, lately... usually, we think of all the deficits we have because of a lack of warm, nurturing, healthy attachments (connectedness). For me, it wasn't so much the deficits that were the issue (I found enough to sustain me elsewhere; other people) ... as it was, the NEGATIVE attachment that got in the way. I expected - had learned - that relationships meant giving up my own sense of self; of being everything to/for the other person. I suffered an injury to my self, as a consequence of participating in that kind of negative attachment. Love hurts, in other words. Couldn't be anything BUT that, in a relationship with my mother. The validation through invalidation effect.

So like any sane person, I avoided connectedness... even in my closest relationships. Warily afraid that "it" would happen again... and contributing to the fulfillment of the fear... because I could only see the negative in things and myself. Those were the rules in the negative attachment world. Every ray of sunshine had an evil, black, rotten core that "would gitcha, iffen ya didn't watch out".
And it was proved true, so many times... repeatedly... like chinese water torture.

GS - I'm hungry for news of how you're doing and what you're thinking about these days. Even little mundane daily things. I was so happy to hear you've conquered your upstairs! The technical glitches that have made access to the board more logistically difficult for me, remind me that my connections to you are important to me, also. So feel free to expound on what you're thinking about, regards relatedness. I need to see this from someone else's eyes, experience, and words. Things aren't always so clear, when observing and thinking about oneself, in "splendid" <and that's sarcastic> isolation.
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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2009, 10:06:48 AM »
Quick update....

it's a new year... I'm close to realizing the changes in my life that will drastically alter my circumstances. A few weeks, a month or so... I don't know the exact timetable yet. I've been working pretty consistently in the time I haven't been able to post easily... trying to "finish up" a lot of loose ends and let many, many things GO. I find I'm going to need some reassurance, feedback, and pointing in the right direction... validation... so I'm off to my T again soon, for this. I'm STILL stuck on that cliff trying to take the first step... to let go of my perch, let go of my fears that plant my feet ankle deep in the soil, and really BELIEVE that I can soar. That there aren't any rules, any judgements, any benchmarks that I have to meet - only my own choices of goals and aspirations.

One thing that I've begun to let go of... is the offended, horrified realization... that my mother is responsible and to blame, both for the circumstances that led to my trauma and also the treatment of me, afterward. I'm letting go the expectation that someday she'll explain all. After all, she still doesn't realize what is wrong with it and truthfully, I don't think she's capable of seeing the harm that was done to me. She "doesn't remember" what she's denied for so long anyway... and still denies that I would be able to know, myself. The more I owned that harm, accepted it and set out to heal it... the less important placing blame for it is.

There's a reason the law includes the category "guilty by reason of insanity". When the proof of a crime exists, yet the individual accused has no awareness that such an act is wrong - or that they have impacted another person physically, emotionally, psychically - they simply can't be held responsible. They are not themselves responsible for their own thoughts, emotions or actions the way "normal people" are. We call those people mentally ill and diagnose them with specific flavors of it. My mother falls into that category, to her own degree.

It's useless for me to hold anger about what happened. Anger that wants to hold her accountable; I'm accepting that she's simply not capable of being accountable. It's useless for me to continue grieving the "might have beens" - there really is only what was. And what was, isn't completely devoid of useful, helpful, skills or coping mechanisms...

... I think I turned out OK (a little woody allen neurotic, maybe), overcame a lot, learned what I should've learned at home from other sources and I don't think I ever did to anyone else what was done to me. Still plenty of things to work through, to think & ponder about... but they're much more universal & general and much less specific to my hitherto "mysterious past" which exerted so much control over me, through self-sabotage. Yes, I'm still smoking. But it's not "with a vengeance" anymore... it's not an irrepressible or uncontrollable addiction anymore. And it's NOT going with me into my "new" reality.

It just feels like there is one emotional turd that I'm still dancing around and refuse to see (or smell).
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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2009, 09:29:07 AM »

A very good friend once told me that forgiving his father was something he did......

for himself......

not his father. 

Accepting that his father did the best he could....

that everyone is doing the best they can.....

helped him release expectations and.....

in return......

  they released him, right back.   

Your journey lays out a personal diagram of movement through this process.

My friend shared only his epiphany.... not the journey.

Thank you, again.

It's also interesting to note that he actually changed types on the Meyers Brigg scale....... something his T had never seen before. 


Gaining Strength

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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2009, 02:55:15 PM »
It has taken me a long time to write, in fact a long time to read.  It is an odd quirk of mine that started as long ago as I can remember.  It goes to the core of the dysfunctional behavior that grew up around that "elephant in the Living Room" wound.  When something has value to me it becomes more difficult to approach or connect with. 

Judging by this, I haven't progressed far in the recent months but not so.  In spite of this long term issue I have made great progress and continue to do so. 

I have time and concentration for two points right now.  The first is in response to your next to last post and the second is a snippet about where I am at the beginning of 2009.

This issue of Competence, Autonomy, and Connectedness is profound and I want to spend more time with it.  For now I will stick to what you wrote concerning the relationshp between Connectedness and Autonomy. 

You wrote, "I gave up too much of my boundary of my SELF, for the relief of connectedness.” OMG, that is so painful to me because it is so true in so much of my life!!!  I continue to do that but NOw I recognize it and can begin to do something about it.  I believe that once we experience such a cruel demand by a parent that our brain pattern is formed. (The theory of neuroplasticity allows that all such patterns can be altered.)  I took that brain pattern out into my life, into the world and repeated it with every relationship.  The ones that stuck were ones that had similar patterning.  I am convinced that is the explanation for why we find such unfortunate relational patterns repeating themselves across our lives inspite of our determination to alter them.

You also wrote, "the right of deserving connection at the same time, as being autonomous. With my mother - it was either/or. If you insisted on being independent, you didn't deserve to feel connected."
I continue to unstick myself from this dissonnant demand by my mother.  The more that I experience this dissonance today and can call it by name and identify the process the more capable I am of undoing the damage and undoing my own brain patterns, cutting myself free much the way a surgeon cuts away a tumor fed by significant minute blood vessels - i.e. carefully, articulately, and precisely. 

There are so many examples in recent days it is actually difficult to pick just one but I'll use one that happened this morning.  I was at my mother's house.  (Reminder: she lies pathologically about significant and insignificant; she passive-aggressively will cross the room to clean or point out MY "mess" even while stepping over her own to do so; she will do anything to undermine  and sabotage all the while lieing to me and to herself that she is doing so.)  I was in her basement where I am setting up a small business, and was vacuuming the relatively new carpetting.  In my mind, I could imagine the criticism she was spewing about me upstairs - and I was forced to recall how powerful this habit of hers and my father's (which spread to my brothers) crushed me and became my own voice, my own mental pattern until the anxiety from it completely and solidly paralyzed me as surely as fisticuffs and leg irons.

I have FINALLY developed an image of a kind being who talks me through this and who rewrites or overwrites this damaging, controlling voice so that now with conscious, constant work I am overcoming at long, long last the fear and self-limiting self-hatred that has ruled my being my entire life up until now.

I still have a long way to go!!! But now it does not take HOURS to be able to get a action completed.  There is resistance but I can definitely overcome it.  This is a huge relief.


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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2009, 12:10:51 PM »

hmmm..... forgiveness.... I didn't really consider this an aspect of self-determination. Thanks for pointing it out, I think you're right that it is part of the process. There's somethiing like a searchlight kind of attention I've noticed - and the searchlight has blinders so that you can't see anything not in the beam. No peripheral vision. As long as resentment and anger are nourished by energy & attention, one simply can't see the other things one is missing, outside of the blinders. And then, of course, if what one needs for self-determination is unknown; unseen; one doesn't pursue that... so yeah; forgiveness opens one up to those previously unknown aspects of reality and self. Very good point indeed!


You really sound good. Does me good to hear this new clarity and self-determination in your "voice"! I'm glad you found the 3 Nutrients for Self-Motivation helpful. I've found this way of describing, explaining why we so often get "stuck" to be very, very, very helpful. Oddly, I seem to be going back into heavy emotional stuff again... but that just may be my circumstances. Stress at work - for all my colleagues - is crazy-high, right now with an unrealistic number of projects and deadlines. And I feel very much impatiently in limbo, during the probate process which - I hope - makes it possible for me to walk away from this job.

I'm looking at whether this increased emotional sensitivity is actually part of "letting go"... getting free of the crap that's controlled me through my emotions. I find I have to tell myself that there are no good/bad emotions a lot... that judging the emotion and myself for feeling them, is completely unnecessary and complicates direct experience. It's the kind of stuff you learn to do, when you are emotionally abused, I guess. It's a protective technique... like wearing a veil to hide one's expression. And now, the weight of the veil is smothering me... I want to shrug it off, ya know?

It's like grieving my abused past/self/life... and finally getting to peace through feeling those emotions and then letting them go, like dried rose petals that turn to dust and blow away. No longer a part of me... but not forgotten. I know now, that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, like I did.
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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2009, 12:58:12 PM »
So good to hear you PR.  The metaphor of the rose petal is poetic.  I continue to be thankful for this place in that it is empowering for me to know that I am NOT alone in this nightmare.  Even though my brothers suffered a similar childhood they have chosen not to see it through the N perspective.  Actually, through this process I have learned that my brothers experience was somewhat different from mine.  I have come to recognize and take in that my experience was quite different because of the simple fact that I am a female and thereby was and am treated significantly differently.  My mother's personal self-hatred fueled in part by her powerlessness, impotence continues to be venomously projected onto me.

The weather here is dark, gloomy and rainy for the umpteenth day.  Depression has set in and has seeped into my soul.  I must push forward using my mind to persevere.  Now I know how I got here and it was not my fault.  That determination is powerful to me but now I must push myself forward and change, thought by thought to pull myself out.  Now I can do that - knowing how I got here and knowing that there is real power in thoughts, that thoughts are real and can pull me out of the miasma and dispair.


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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2009, 06:06:53 AM »
Remember the rituals of self care, GS....

hope you feel better soon.


Gaining Strength

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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2009, 11:47:03 AM »
Thank you Lighter.

Competence, Autonomy and Connectedness
My deepest pain came from the contempt and condemnation which my parents projected onto me from my earliest days. By the time I was born there were no hopes of connectedness for me because my mother would reject me from day one out of her own suppressed fear of rejection and need for connnectedness from my father (and probably from her own parents.)

Yesterday on Tru TV I reheard the story of a young Palestinian American whose own parents murdered her and then claimed self-defense.  Ironically, the entire plotting and execution of her death was recorded by the FBI as her father was under surveilance for terrorist activity.  In those tapes of her murder, the 18 year old pleads to her mother to save her but he mother is heard screaming back, "Die you B****!" Why would a mother turn so horridly from her only child?  It must be some sick and twisted psycho need for self-preservation.

For me, there is no autonomy nor competence without that connectedness.  Yet I have replayed this lacking over and over throughout my life.  Those neural paths of seeking connection but bumping up against condemnation and rejection were grooved early on.  It is now, far into my life that I am finding a way to re-write these destructive patterns.

There is a bizarre complication because of the way these three are joined.  They seem to become a closed system.  So if once that lack of connectedness exists from birth how can one enter the trifold competencies which underlie the very basis of a good, fulfilling life?

I have been struggling with sleep patterns for some time now,finding it very difficult to get in bed to go to sleep and consequently finding it very difficult to rise.  So on waking today I began working the EFT on my profound fears and overtaxed sinuses and felt the tangled mess of condemnation and rejection begin to loosen.  Memory after memory began to unravel.  The pain of them and the indescribable anxiety of having no where to turn, no one to go to help for, the clear sense that any need I had would be met with ridicule and belittlement by my parents.

As a child I had no way to interpret these experiences.  As an adult, I recognize that both my mother and my father experienced their own self-hatred and self-condemnation and their incompetencies to help and nurture me exacerbated the pain that felt which was then expressed by projecting that condemnation and ridicule onto me.  As this pattern was repeated over and over and over again - age after age - a neural loop was created that subverted the opportunities of working through solution. 

Solution was never permitted in my family.  Solution must have been threatening to them.  I see and experience this everyday with my mother.  She rails at and subverts solution to her problems and needs.  Not only at her own working out solution but when anyone else tries to implement a solution for her.  It is utterly self-destructive but she is not going to go out without taking others along with her.

So back to my own healing.  I am using the EFT to get at so much of this jumbled emotional/psychological mess.  I have made progress over the past 9 months but there is a recidivism due to the lifelong neural patterns.  The EFT and thought processes described by Schwartz's four steps are helping me to change thepatterns and to break the self-destructive loops.


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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2009, 12:26:32 PM »

::wishing strength and intestinal fortitude (to hang on to every hardwon lesson you learn)::



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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2009, 09:12:53 PM »
OH yeah.
my experience was quite different because of the simple fact that I am a female and thereby was and am treated significantly differently

One day you will not be nosing around the ashes of your family's bonfires for meaning any more. It's good and right and powerful that you're sorting it out.

And it's THRILLING to hear your increasing moments of claiming.


You are prospecting your own life, which can be a smaller flame. But it is beautiful.

Totally inarticulate with a cold...but thinking of you with such respect, keep on keeping on!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2009, 11:15:08 PM »
LOL - Yes nosing around in those ashes - a waste of time - but so compelling. 
It must be an addiction because I certainly know better.

Sorry you have a cold.  Here is a wonderful product.  When my ship comes in I will buy a case and send off bottles to friends who succomb to those terrible days.

(I've tried other items recommended by George Eby to great success.)


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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2009, 07:46:36 AM »
GS, I propose a new name for you: "thinks long, deeply and clearly". Amazing things you're seeing and sharing!

Actually, through this process I have learned that my brothers experience was somewhat different from mine.  I have come to recognize and take in that my experience was quite different because of the simple fact that I am a female and thereby was and am treated significantly differently.  My mother's personal self-hatred fueled in part by her powerlessness, impotence continues to be venomously projected onto me.

Each of us experiences things in life differently; we have our own realities - our bubbles of experience - what TT was calling "context" within our FOO. I think you've discovered the key to your context, understanding now what was projected onto you. I relate to this, with the exception that I think I was nutsy enough to care so much... about relieving my mom's self-hatred, that I unconsciously took it on, voluntarily. I had needs she wouldn't address - or didn't know how - and I tried to show her by example, by becoming what she was not. That early attachment (got to find Carolyn's thread about this!!) between mother & child - or the lack thereof - and it's affect on us, can be overcome.

So if once that lack of connectedness exists from birth how can one enter the trifold competencies which underlie the very basis of a good, fulfilling life?

By working on the other 2 "legs of the stool" - competence and autonomy - you can get to connectedness, I think. In my way of thinking, there can't BE any connectedness, if there isn't autonomy - independence and boundaries of spirit/self - because connectedness requires two separate beings. Without autonomy, what seems like connectedness is dependence, I think. Maybe I don't have that really clear yet... maybe it's not dependence... something else...

Remember: for oneself, it's important to define what competence, autonomy, and connectedness are. I don't think there's a universal ideal or standard. I'm always going to be starely blankly at algebraic equations... and not have the first idea how to solve them! That doesn't mean I'm incompetent. My other math skills are just fine. For me, it doesn't matter if I'm good in algebra - I don't value that, or need to master that.

For autonomy, my definition has been to maintain and defend my boundaries. I wasn't exactly sure what my boundaries are, but I have been finding out!  :D

Connectedness is fuzzier... not so clear for me. With two, autonomous beings connectedness could be defined as being in the same place at the same time (did you see that?!), to participating in the same activity; to sharing feelings, observations, ideas; to caring for each other... which at the extreme of connectedness, should still allow autonomy.

<Self-criticism: God! this sounds so overly clinical and scientific to me!!!!! The "vulcan/star trek" analysis... not at all the emotional reality of interest in another, like/dislike, love.>

To borrow & apply Hops' words ("A hug is a boundary"), connectedness can be defined as a hug. One reaching out across the boundary of me/you to another. A hug is connectedness and a boundary at the same time... because with a hug there are two on one side of the boundary, momentarily. I think. Right now, I'm not sure I know what I'm talking about. At all. Feel free to walk right past these ideas!
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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2009, 10:33:01 AM »
As a child, I wanted to belong to my family.  I am thrust back into the age of 6 or 7 at breakfast time.  I longed to go down to the breakfast table and "belong" but the breakfast table was a series of disciplines and punishments.  That is where (in part) connectedness and self-hatred were fused.  To be connected was to be WRONG and PUNISHED.

I would come down to the table where my mother was serving the breakfast she had cooked.  My mother would criticize something about my appearance - my dress, my hair, something.  Then I would sit down to my seat beside my mother and have before me some form of eggs (which I dislike to this day) and be forced to eat it.  I figured out a plan that I would manage to eat all but one large bite (actually gagging the whole way) and then ask to be excused, cram the egg in my mouth and walk, unsuspectingly to the bathroom where I could spit it out and flush the evidence away.  If breakfast was cereal instead of egg then my father would invoke his rules - only as much milk until the cereal began to rise (not much), only a level tsp of sugar (before all the pre-sugared cereals) and the same would be true if we had grapefruit - the amount of sugar would be limited, meted out, regulated, controlled.  Each movement, each bite would be scrutinized.  No options except to eat all.  I ate all.  It was worth it to CONNECT.

I see now that I have sacrificed autonomy and competence in order to connect - from the earliest of ages.  The power, the draw of Connectedness is the siren call that will not be denied.  I wonder what life would have been like if my siren call had been autonomy OR competence.  But as I write I am getting a glimmer of what you may have been saying.  It is as if I could switch away from the destructive connectedness to FOO and all the false, destructive baggage and actually select competence or autonomy or maybe both and that connectedness will follow.  It is as if I have had the whole thing backwards - not in the natural order.  In the natural order connectedness is always first but in the wounded N FOO world connectedness is not primary it is destructive.  In the healing order I must go after competence or autonomy first and the connectedness will come as a result of that.

My entire life I have pursued the connectedness but for me connectedness was intertwined with self-destructive aspects - self-hatred, self-denial - all these sordid things pickedup from my childhood association with that craving to be connected to FOO.  So in a terrible way, seeking connectedness has always been tied to self-denial and self-destruction as though craving food when all food were poison.  I suspect I have only gone after connections that were poison.

There is so much more to process, so much more to gleen from this pursuit but for now I am going to let it rest.  I don't know yet what it would mean to pursue autonomy nor competence.  I'm not sure which one to focus on though I think competence will bring me what I need quicker.

Oh the damage that has been caused by seeking connectedness - the sorrow of a lifetime of trying to connect, of the desparation to connect - the images and memories are filling my thoughts one after another.  This part - the damage of the interlocked connectedness and condemnation - is so huge and has controlled my life for so long and has wreaked such havoc and brought such indescribable sorrow, sorrow AND shame.  I could have NO competence under that "regieme" because I had no idea who "I" was.  Of course there could be no autonomy without an "I" either.

So much to process and understand.

If I focus on competence and consciously recognize that the longing for connectedness stands in my way then I can use the techniques I have to intercede on my behalf, reminding me that connectedness has self-destructive barnacles attached to it for me and that I can seek competence for myself, not in order to please someone in order to get connected to FOO.  This is a whole new, earth shattering approach.  I'm in a place of shock at having this awakening.The ramifications of this insight can be enormous or me, life altering.  I must keep my focus on this - only hope I can.

I keep thinking, "I must have a plan."  But I don't even know where to begin - my house, my work, reconstruction (of the literal and figurative mess from the past 7 years.)  Perhaps work as I need the income.  Though House would be easier but house needs money and work would bring money.  Work is the scariest and so probably the most important.

For YEARS I have "vegged", sat motionless, in part, as a way to minimize the pain.  Each attempt to get out of my mess, to move forward has been like stepping on the invisible fense - an electical shock - so I vegged.  Periodically I would get up to try to accomplish something - stick my neck out and get started and get zapped again and then the whole thing would start again - again I am a failure b/c I started something else and didn't complete it (couldn't - kept getting zapped) and on and on and piled on top of that is the criticism and condemnation.

The thing that focusing on competence would do is circumvent that whole, debilitating realm of criticism and condemnation.  Competence and autonomy have nothing to do with being judged - that comes only from the desire for connectedness.  Without the drive for (warped) connectedness the criticism and condemnation will have insignificant power.  It is the criticism and condemnation which is internalized that has truly sidelined and paralyzed me.

I must develop a plan to switch that focus and decide what that means for me.

I am sorry that this is so long and rambling but I began writing one thing and suddenly everything began to work itself out as I wrote.  Time will tell me what truly has happened here.  But I am in some ways in the same situation - stuck until I can develop a plan - I must have a plan.  I'm going to keep these words in my mind all day and see what works its way out. Thanks for helping me here.  I do know that I will never have to slip back into that horror of a life that has, up until recently, been mine.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2009, 11:00:58 AM by Gaining Strength »


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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2009, 12:38:56 AM »
I can seek competence for myself, not in order to please someone in order to get connected to FOO.

GS, I believe the plan will show itself to you, piece by piece.

I think it will RESULT from the focus and the thoughts you are intentionally thinking.
Like the dazzling realization above.

The thing to remember is, there could be several, or even more, different ways to approach:


What you are starting to think now, the direction you are shoving your prow around to, is going to help you become PLEASED about a plan. Not an unrealistic perfectionistic overwhelming Plan. Just YOUR plan.

Even your plan will become 1 Square Foot. (Except, more likely, half-dozen ACHIEVABLE small steps on a list. You can have the Big Goal in mind, letting it form itself as you go, but on a weekly basis you probably only need a half-dozen small steps.)

I am so excited for you.
Curse those breakfast buzzards, but you are leaving them behind.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: Self-Determination - ruminations & an update
« Reply #29 on: January 10, 2009, 12:53:16 AM »
You just don't know how much your 1 square foot is finally working for me.  I use it once or twice a week.  It took 2 years to kick in but now it does.  I'll stand before something that needs to be done, feel overwhelmed and then just ask one or two small steps.  Sometimes that is just enough to kick start things and sometimes that is enough to do 3 or 4 times to finish.  It is amazing.

I've modified that "one square foot" concept and found more success.  If there is something that needs to be done but another chore must be accomplished before the present one can be even started then rather than fall prey to the overwhelming sense and give in to shut down I use a version of "one square foot" which I call "just get started".  With "Just get started" all I have to do is do ONE thing to start the process - not finish it, just start it.  That takes sufficient pressure off to allow me to avoid Shut Down.  Often I am able to actually finish the first task so that I can do the second task later.  But just starting keeps me out of Shut Down and that is a big help.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 01:20:15 PM by Gaining Strength »