It seems to me, in these 3 score years and 10, allotted to us, that I will have lived in April, that I recall so little crying on my part. I believe anyone still here will remember, but I will recap.
When I was little, very much so, I now believe that my sensitivity was so high, that to feel the physical and emotional pain and hurt that took place around me was unbearable, so I stunted many of those feelings and just put them away.
I recall crying for lonely a few times after leaving home and before I met Joe, 1961, as I so wanted someone to love me. That took place 4 years later and we had our daughter 4 years after that. I shed some tears for us when I left him, a few here and there, for her missing her daddy, and a few here and there after the accident, in hospital 1969-70.
I was 52, in 1991, when her then-husband, the N, banned me and I cried, but stopped. Then in 1992 had an all day jag that would be my final cry until last year, 2008, March 30, and I was 68. The Movie ‘Eight Below’ just tore at my heart and I cried for an hour, from ˝-way through to the end. About 3 months later was “Pay It Forward”, that was worth about a half hour of sobbing, at the end.
Now a 3 hour movie has done it to me, all choked up for 2˝ hours, tearing up and crying 3 times.
I saw this movie before. Before I had begun to work on me and see what I was facing.
Oh the friendships, the loyalty, the good in people, the love, and all this acted so well on screen that I could feel so much more. This, of course was opposed by evil, but that is our World.
The movie, of all ones I would not have expected, was ‘The Green Mile’, a screen adaptation of a book written by Stephen King.
Can you imagine?
It received so many nominations (which is something I never took note of before.)
“I want it to be over and done with. I do.
I’m tired, boss.
I’m tired of bein’ on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain.
I ’m tired of never havin' me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we was comin’ from, or where we was goin’, an’ why.
I’m tired of people bein’ ugly to each other.
I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There’s too much of it.
It’s like pieces of glass in my head, all the time.”…. John Coffey, The Green Mile
Love Izzy