Cons about the furniture least one twelve hour day a week. One 9 1/2, one nine, one 7 1/2 and one six hour day. Every Saturday and Sunday without question. Any sale and sometimes they make you work everyday.....all day......kind of like between Christmas and New Years. It was odd because you could really NEVER do anything. Up and off to work....come back and go to bed, just to get up and do it all over again. By day 14 I was a 49 year old walking I was anemic. I got into a yelling match with another salesperson because he stole my customer and I stole him back!!
They do not really care about the have to be there awhile to start to be thought of as a person even.........I guess that is the way in most businesses....once you are there at least a year you fall into some sort of a "club."
The thought of going back to the store is frightening but exciting. At first I felt like a fly being lured into the web by a mom, the Black Widow, was there waiting to snag me and try to reign me in and control me. I was about to come back and allow her to stay a little but I believe my stipulations will be far more, I get to be President.......she is no longer that..............because in the job descriptions it stated that I would be accountable to the President.... I have decided that unless I have complete control I will not go back. She said she wants out ASAP......that means OUT in my book...........OUT.......I can deal with the furniture store. I don't have to go back so unless my demands are met I can really say no, can't I?? I love being in control of my life.
I was reflecting on my 15 years working with my mother. I realize now that without this I would not have grown like I have. I would not have drawn my boundaries in my personal life. I would not have been able to stand up for myself. Although it still hurts to hear my own mother berate me, I now know it is because she is flawed, not me!!