Author Topic: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman  (Read 2444 times)


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VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« on: February 24, 2009, 10:33:49 PM »
Hi Doc G,

Could you come on and talk to us a little?

What do we do now?

How's your wife?

How are YOU?

What's your sense of what the board has been?

What's it been through, in your view?

What strengthened it?

What weakened it?

Did belief systems, religious expressions, play any part?

Have we accomplished anything remarkable here?

Do you understand how many people you have helped?

Do you know how REAL that help has been?

Would you do it again?

Do we have to stop?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 12:50:42 PM »

Hi Hops,

Some answers to your questions!

How's your wife?
Very well.  Her scans (two years) have all shown no sign of relapse.  For lung cancer, oncologists like to see three years of clean scans.  So we have a year to go.  BTW, you can read her story at: 

How are YOU?
Ah, perhaps the Buddhists are right when they say:  “life is suffering” (in my case, a chronic health issue).     But the important things in my life:  family, patients, and friends are all going well and continue to provide a generous supply of “meaning”, attachment, and a sense of accomplishment.  And I live in a very safe and secure world.  For those things I am exceptionally lucky.

What's your sense of what the board has been?
Ultimately, a place to open up the pain of one’s life, esp. important attachments, and let the pain from those attachments heal in a new and different way.  (Of course, the board did not always work this way for all people.)  Also, a place to form new healthier attachments with people who understood.

What strengthened it?  What weakened it?
What strengthened it was member vulnerability, and the capacity (that varied among members) to look at what we do automatically and often unconsciously as a result of our past in order to protect ourselves/survive.  What weakened it was when members could not do this—even when they thought they were doing it.

Did belief systems, religious expressions, play any part?
Not per se—only to the extent that they affected the above.

Have we accomplished anything remarkable here?
Oh, I think so.  But, of course, I’m biased.  For all of the imperfections:  mine, the medium’s, the absence of a “therapist” or central figure, the board had impact.  People were helped.  But clearly it was not a board for everyone.  It could be a rough and tumble place.  And some people left hurt.  I was saddened every time this happened.

Do you understand how many people you have helped?
Probably not.  But I tend to underestimate such things.  It has always been wonderful, though, to hear from people—sometimes years later—about how the board helped. 

Do you know how REAL that help has been?
That’s a very interesting question, Hops.  With my patients, I receive consistent, clear (and gratifying) evidence.  On the board often I have to read between the lines.  In part, I've had to rely on faith. 

Would you do it again?
Absolutely!  The board—and the people who participated—will always be an important part of my life.

Do we have to stop?  What do we do now?
I don’t know yet (sorry!!!!).  I know this is difficult for some, but I haven’t made a final decision.  I'll decide by the beginning of June.

Best wishes,



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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 04:10:59 PM »
Thanks, Doc!

I don't mind waiting until June to know...

bless you for everything.

A Very Grateful

Hops  :arrow:
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 10:42:25 PM »

Dear Hops,

Thank you for your thread. 

Dr. G,

Thank you for your post.  Like Hops, I don't mind waiting for your decision.



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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 08:01:53 AM »
For those who haven't done one on one therapy, this board and your essays, Dr. G, must've been a lifesaver! And for myself, it was an important step along the healing path providing more autonomy, less attachment to my T, and an opportunity grow into my self through the relationships I've made with the board members.

Thank you for this (below). For me, it sums up this kind of work that we do ourselves, with the help and guidance of others. That work is like a continuum - some days we succeed at this better than others. At the low end of the continuum where we're not doing so well, a board like this with members who've walked those paths, is truly a lifesaver. We learn that all parts of the continuum are part of being human - just different; not good or bad - and to lose the notion that there is something inherently wrong with us, defective even - for being who and where we are, in the moment, on that continuum. We learn that we are truly not alone and that by opening up & sharing our selves, we allow others in to infuse us with the warmth, encouragement, and momentum to change where we are on that continuum. Helping each other, we help ourselves and the group as a whole becomes stronger and has more well-being.

If, as Deb says, the Pheonix is flying - it's because GS helped me spread my wings, Izzy pointed out what I was missing on the horizon, Carolyn turned over a rock that was too heavy for me to move by myself, that was weighing me down; and then Hops bumped into me with just the right words at the right time - and I let go my perch. (many, many others helped too - even through disagreements) And none of that would've happened without the board. Synchronicity? Life? (I don't know how to call this; but it's like chemistry between people.) It seems to me, that the best way to express my gratitude is to keep "paying it forward" - when and where it's needed. And I think the board is needed by more people than any of us know.

What strengthened it?  What weakened it?
What strengthened it was member vulnerability, and the capacity (that varied among members) to look at what we do automatically and often unconsciously as a result of our past in order to protect ourselves/survive.  What weakened it was when members could not do this—even when they thought they were doing it.

I'm not sure the board was weakened by reminders of where we all have been, when interacting with and trying to support those who needed to grow this capacity. Disrupted maybe!... when attempts to light the way were misinterpreted.

That capacity IS the continuum - being able to see ourselves in all honesty; warts and all - our responsibility, parts in the "drama", and ability to admit this to ourselves and others. Some people rarely do; but no one can do this all time, in all situations, completely and totally. We simply don't know how we impact all others that we come in contact with. All we can do is try - with a little help from our friends.

Thank you for the place where I met so many friends, Dr. G.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2009, 08:07:54 AM by PhoenixRising »
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2009, 02:48:13 PM »
Hi everybody,

A long ago poster, phoenix (not PhoenixRising), asked yesterday that I post her e-mail to me (which I received before the current thread was started) because it was a propos:
"Remember me? I am sure you do... I made a huge ruckus on your site before I left...No apologies, it was a wonderful experience for me. I refered your site to a friend tonight, and thought I would check in to see how it has changed, what might be new. I read where you may consider shutting it down. I read Rosencrants 's post, someone I remember from my time... Anyway, to let you you know, you saved my life with this site. I  knew upon first discovery of it what it meant to me. I remember the despair and hopelessness I felt at times now  faced with the  name of the monster that was now visible in front of me; yet still too huge for me to ever think I could overcome it...and thanks to you, I did ... Oh my, there are no words to what this site did for me. I never thought I would feel the freedom I feel today,., the healthiness, the renewal  of  my life!  I haven't words enough to  tell you how this site saved me! Thankyou, thankyou, a lifetime of thanks...and much peace in whatever you decide to do for yourself...Phoenix/Jennifer"

Many thanks to Hops, teartracks, PhoenixRising, and phoenix for your comments.  Your thoughts mean a great deal to me.  I'm so glad the Board and the web site have been helpful!



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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2009, 08:07:14 PM »
Emotional Survival is a perfect name, for this very excellent message board.

I hope newbies are still landing....

and finding their way.


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2009, 10:39:52 PM »
Dear Dr G
 I was on another board. It had quite a bit of moderation. At first, I liked it,but then I felt as if there was an artificial buffer to the forces of life.
 I hope that you keep the board alive because it is real as life is real. Ther are loves and losses, pain, heartache, rejection and joy on your board as there are in life.
 I hope you keep it alive.     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2009, 11:26:53 AM »

I hope newbies are still landing....
and finding their way.

Since 'friarjames' was the last new member in June of last year the contingency seems a remote one.



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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2009, 12:16:42 PM »
Mud, newbies can still read, they just can't join or post.


They can still look up suggested reading material and follow current poster's journeys over the years.

The biggest Con, to not being able to post.......

they can't ask questions and gain support: (

The biggest Pro.....

they're no longer being sideswiped, and manipulated, in their PM boxes.

If they're not sticking around and following old threads.....

you're right.

The board is no longer helping newbies find their way.

That's too sad to contemplate right now.


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2009, 02:46:37 PM »
What strengthened it was member vulnerability, and the capacity (that varied among members) to look at what we do automatically and often unconsciously as a result of our past in order to protect ourselves/survive.  What weakened it was when members could not do this—even when they thought they were doing it.

Why do you think some people cannot see they that are not progressing? This has always puzzled me. How is it that some people can say the same thing themselves that they gripe about in others?

Dr. Grossman, it has been an honor to be part of your board. I have been able to reclaim my life thanks to this board and to the members of the board, who are far too many to mention. I am no longer ruled by my NM or my emotions towards her, which has been an amazing blessing. I am also helping my sister cope with her realizations regarding our mother.

I would not have been able to get to this point without the stories and the advice here on this board. I hope that if nothing else, the content will remain online for people to peruse.

Thank you again, Dr. Grossman and everyone on the board.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2009, 08:46:47 PM »
I have not been on the board in quite awhile, but every so often come back just to check in. I know I wouldn't be here today without all the help for everyone on this board. At a time I was drowning, I found a life raft. I didn't understand the destruction N's can do in our lives and if you have never been involved with one closely, you believe the person who rants and raves about it is nuts. You all made me feel sane. Thank you all and DR. Grossman for allowing us this venture.


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2009, 09:07:41 AM »
I have been thinking about the Board closing.
It seems like a Board with hundreds of people from dysfunctional families was bound to be ridden with FOO replays. How could it be otherwise?
 For the people who stayed, it was a place where we could truly grow. Most of us did not have families who allowed this.
 Dr G was right not to intervene until we were bloody.
 We are supposed to be adults, but when you are tainted with Narcissism, the adulthood is often in body only.
 I know Dr G had many struggles trying to moderate a crazy group like we were. We did not all agree with his positions.
 I hope you will continue the Board b/c it is unique and a real community, Richard.
 I hope that we , the Board members, are a group that you don't want to let go  either, Richard.
 I wish all the best for you and your family if this is the end or a continuation.      Ami

« Last Edit: March 13, 2009, 01:17:48 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: VERY DEAR Dr. Grossman
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2009, 04:40:18 PM »
I'll add my name to those the board has helped.  I haven't visited in a long time--I didn't make a decision to move on, I just realized at some point I'd stopped checking in.  We've all been at different stages here.  I can say that when I came on I'd spent years actively trying to deal with having grown up in a flagrantly N home.  I'd lived every emotion until I was exhausted; I'd read every book.  And I was still experiencing fits of rage and self-destructive thoughts and tendencies.  Just having a safe place to discuss these issues was invaluable, that final push I needed.  Now I've moved on in 3D and my default feelings tend to be strength and determination rather than helplessness and fear.  Not always.  But usually.  And I hope if it's at all possible the board will be here in the future for other "newbies" to come in from the cold.