Author Topic: The worst kind of abuser  (Read 1965 times)


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The worst kind of abuser
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:43:56 PM »
Hi all.  This is just my opinion.

The worst kind of abuser is not the kind that hits and bashes physically and leaves cuts and bruises that can be seen by others.
The worst kind of abuser leaves wounds that are much deeper, waaaaay hidden, secret, unseen and hard to detect by anyone but the person experiencing them.

The worst kind of abuser isn't one who feels regret and states she's sorry (be it even fleeting remorse or real long lasting).
The worst kind of abuser does not feel the least bit sorry and would never say so.

The worst kind of abuser is not the one who eventually admits she has a problem and takes responsibility for her actions.
Oh no.  The worst kind of abuser does not believe or acknowledge or admit having any kind of problem and takes no responsibility whatsoever for any behaviour.  Ever.

The worst kind of abuser isn't the kind who takes steps to get help and improve herself, face reality and make amends.
The worst kind of abuser gets better and better at what she does and perfects her abusive ways.  She lives in a world of lies and never, ever tries to make up for anything she does.

The worst kind of abuser is not one who feels empathy for the person she's harmed and wishes to help the person heal.
Uh uh.  The worst kind of abuser has no empathy for anyone but herself and is only interested in trying to make herself feel better.

The worst kind of abuser is not open and ready to change.
Nope.  The worst kind of abuser is fully closed up and unwilling to budge.

The worst kind of abuser does not evenutally face the truth about what she's done nor attempts to fix problems.
Naw.  The worst kind of abuser believes her own lies that she has done nothing wrong and there is nothing to fix.

The worst kind of abuser is not the one who abuses on the spurr of the moment and then later looks at what she has done.
No. No. The worst kind of abuser plans her abuse out carefully and takes her time about it.  Never looks back.  Does not ever see what she has really done.

The worst kind of abuser is not a person who has gone bad, made wrong choices, ignored what she knows is the correct thing to do.
Not at all.  The worst kind of abuser truly believes she is good and is making correct choices and curses those she abuses if they try to point out differently.

The worst kind of abuser is not one who appears out of control and in need of repair.
The worst kind of abuser looks lovely and wonderful to everyone except the person she hurts.  She is popular and well loved by all others and looks perfectly healthy and fine.  She does not show her control issues or broken parts to anyone but the one she abuses.

The worst kind of abuser is not a person who has potential to turn around and learn to behave better.
The worst kind of abuser knows it all and behaves just fine, in her opinion, which is the only opinion that counts.  She will never, ever change.

The worst kind of abuser is not the one who does not make excuses for her behaviour and does not try to justify it.
The worst kind of abuser has a million excuses, reasons, justifications and is seriously believable by all except the one she harms.

The worst kind of abuser is not the one who accepts blame for her actions.
Absolutely not!  The worst kind of abuser blames the one she abuses!!  That's who's fault everything is.

The worst kind of abuser isn't the one who is loud and blatent and blunt and bulging and bomping around like a blind bull.
No.  The worst kind of abuser slithers and slides, sneaks and sweaks, squirms her way along, slicing and slashing like viper with scissors.

The worst kind of abuser is not one who feels bad after behaving badly.
Oh no. The worst kind of abuser feels good and proud afterward and more so, enjoys the hurt she causes....revels in it.......fills up with joy afterwards........celebrates.

The worst kind of abuser is not a human behaving badly.
I don't think so.  No.  The worst kind of abusers is an --inhuman and behaves exactly like one.

Just had to get that out.



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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 11:53:24 PM »
The worst kind of abuser leaves doubt and confusion in her wake.

She's the one who's being victimized, if the word should ever come up.

Had to add my two cents......

loved your post, Sela.


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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2009, 01:38:41 AM »
Thanks Motherof2.  I agree with you fully about that doubt and confusion stuff and the big victim switch thingy.  Oh yes!  Very typical of the worst kind of abuser.

Not only that but

The worst kind of abuser does not appear nasty and obvious.
Oh no.  The worst kind of abuser looks sweet and syrupy and goes about spreading her sick venom, which looks like icing to all but those who have tasted it's poison, smoothly on the one she wishes to harm and she does it with great feathery swirls and swishes, like a master crafter.

And the worst kind of abuser is not the one you hear screaming and yelling and making a big fuss.
No, the worst kind of abuser is quiet and slick and comes out smelling like flowers.

And too the worst kind of abuser doesn't pretend to be nice (is not clearly-- not nice).
Oh goodness, no, the worst kind of abuser pretends to be your best budd and she's only trying to be your friend and is trying to do you good.
She isn't straight forward about her desire to harm.
Not a bit.  No actually, she says her only wish is to help.


And if by chance you manage to escape her cruel, sneaky, destructive claws and get away from her insanity for years and years, as soon as you run into her, she makes a biggggggggg shooooooow of how dear you are to her and how much she has missed you (but she means....she's missed abusing you).
The worst kind of abuser does not allow it's prey to go free.  The worst kind of abuser is ready to pounce and strike on a whim, no matter how much time has passed since the last time and will never, ever let you go.

And she is always prepared to look nice about doing it.
She can fool almost everyone.



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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2009, 12:24:22 PM »
The worst kind of abuser......

 can fool her victims, if only for a while.

And those she can't....

go in and out of understanding, if only for a while.

It's difficult to understand that which makes no sense.

Is it possible to feel sorry for the worst kind of abuser?

IMO.... that goes in and out of focus,

along with the reality.


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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2009, 01:50:11 AM »
Thanks Motherof2.

Yes.  In and out of focus.

Is it possible to feel sorry for the worst kind of abuser?

My initial reaction is to reply:  Anything is possible.

But then again, not everything is possible either, is it?

Which leads me to the next thing I want to talk about.

The best way to get over the worst kind of abuser

I've been thinking about this and I think it's different for everyone (or maybe similar for many of us......I don't know).  For me:

I think I had to find and examine and define my wounds.  They weren't even clear to me.  I felt abused by the worst kind of abuser but couldn't put my finger on it exactly or completely..... until I took the time to look for the scars and that made it all come back.......and allllllll the pain!!!  Ouchy!  Reliving stuff sucks!!

But it was necessary.  Otherwise, I might well have spent my life carrying a bunch of junk I didn't even really understand, which would have caused me a lot more confusing, agrivating grief, in the end eh?  I had to not only look and find the damage but express it.  Kill the secret.  Expose the abuser (even if that was only to a very few others).  I had to be a victim for awhile, I think.

I had to feel sorry for myself.  Grieve my losses.  Give myself permission to feel hurt and used and abused and unfairly treated.  It might seem silly but for me, I had to cry my woes and express my sorrow.  Sometimes I wonder if I did a good enough job.  Because sometimes, stuff comes to the surface and a lump gets stuck in my throat and I want to cry but nothing happens.  I just feel a need.  But it passes.

I think I had to believe and acknowledge that I was abused, even if no one else in this world could see it.  That was really important.  It was placing blame (putting the responsibility on my abuser) but would never happen otherwise.  It helped me to lay the weight where it belonged.  I felt relieved.  I think I was carrying a whole bunch of guilt that wasn't mine.  I know I feel much free-er now.

Next.....I had to somehow make up for what was lost/done/the damage.  I think I'm still doing that.  My abuser will never do it so in order to get over her, I think I have to do it for myself.  I can do it too!  I learned that!!  A little at a time.  I'm making up.  Building a new life.  Getting my serenity back.  Feeling happier and more like me (the old me.......I suppose).  Soothing myself.  Healing.

It's taking a lot longer than I had hoped.  :roll:

I had to have empathy for myself, in order to heal.  I had to stop asking "why?" and "how could she?" and start telling myself "It doesn't matter" and "I will be ok". 

It doesn't matter.
It's her loss, in the end.
I'm fine but she's still sick and inhuman, stuck in her lies, still slithering and filling up with joy gained by her evil ways, unable to face the reality of being disordered, unable to budge.
How sad is that?

But I will be ok.  Evenually.

The worst part of trying to get over the worst kind of abuser was facing the reality that she is not my friend.  She was not trying to help me and  she wasn't being nice.  She was not trying to do good but rather to cause harm and inject poison.  She hurt me on purpose.  :(

I had to spit out the syrup and plug my nose so I couldn't smell the flowers.  I had to stop letting her fool me (and maybe those were the first things I had to do.......I think they were, so this is out of order but who cares?).  Trying to come to grips with all of that was another piece of being abused.  Another loss.  More to grieve.  It just makes me think it must be easier when there are bite marks and scratches and bruises, even though those are surely deeply painful, they are at least......clear and obvious.  There is no doubt about what went on.  There's no syrup to clean up. No confusion (or at least, not as much?).

I have more to say but I should probably stop for now.



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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2009, 12:58:19 PM »


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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2009, 09:49:22 PM »
Thankyou for the hug, Motherof2.  I needed that.

Something is driving me to write this.  It's like a final purge or something.  It's like the end cleansing of my heart.  I want it to be the end, at least.  So I'm allowing this big (and I hope final) belch. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpp!!


It is such a relief though! 

But I still feel quite angry.  I think it's the last feeling (I'm hoping it's the last) I need to work through.

The worst kind of abuser is such a thief!

 Such a thief!!  She steals so much!  Starting with her prey's serenity, which she relishes!

So in my head, the best way to get over the worst kind of abuser is to get my  serenity back.

I've been clawing and scratching in the dust for a long time now.  Trying to get find it.....get near it.....grab it and hold onto it.  I want my serenity back!!  Sooooo badly!

But I don't think it will totally come until I finally get rid of this burning anger that I feel, after being so ripped off.  Sooooo ripped off!!!  It's just not fair.  :(

Shouldn't I be further along by now?


Maybe the anger is something I'll have to learn to live with?  :?  But I don't like it and I don't want to live with it and I don't see how I can get my serenity entirely back with it hanging an a ball and chain.  It really feels like it's dragging me down.......holding me back.

Ofcourse, I know I need to work on letting it out.....letting it go.  :shock:  That's a scary thought too because it feels like there is a lot of it.  I do, however, feel better admitting that I still feel quite angry.  Am I human to the core?  Or just a slow healer?

In so many ways, I have found my serenity again.  In so much of my life, I feel almost back to "normal" and soooo much happier than it ever seemed possible.  And I have never lost my sense of humour or my will to survive or my desire to do better....try harder.  And lately I've been able to give back (to my community), which really helps.  I'm interested in stuff I lost interest in, again, so that's a good thingy too, I think. 

It's just this one nagging feeling (anger) that seems to flair up and get me ........ regressing?  Is that the right word? 

It feels like a step back anyhow.  Back into the gloom....into the pit.....into the darkness.

Maybe I need to change the way I'm thinking?  That's usually the case. 

I can't seem to think myself away from this mucky anger, so far.  Ya!  I feel like I need a good bathing!!

I will bath myself in prayer tonight.   Give my bongo drums another go tomorrow.  Visualize myself healed and free.  It's all I know that really works for me.

I know I can't be perfectly serene and happy and content constantly forever more.  I just want to my old me back.  Does that make sense?  I guess I'm getting tired too.

This is such a long journey.

((((((((((to all who need one))))))))))



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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2009, 01:10:27 AM »

How about looking at it this way.

Your heart is heavy and has been broken.  You gave your heart away to someone who can not even know their own.  Do you think that your N can ever feel what it is like to truly love and be loved or even a broken heart? 
I rather have loved and have my heart broken to never ever have felt *a heart* even if it meant feelings of hurt and pain when not rec'd in the manner you thought it would.

When you do this it makes you vulnerable does it feeling Pain.. either by a death...a breakup...and things that are beyond our control  even with the Best of Relationships. 

But you Love and Love and giving away your heart does make us vulnerable to the one we gave it away to...for we don't give it away to be broken but sometimes it is...Like the above I said.... to feel such a deep loss.. even if it be that it was stolen from us with a horrific accident. 

You are Angry and that is alright.  Your healing your heart.

You Loved..

Now I was so hell bent on wanting to Hate my Ex or not Feel anything for what I was really feeling was...Tricked, Ripped Off and Hell Bent on pushing the healing process ...I don't want to Care... I don't want to feel Love...I don't want to Miss....and I want to Hate him....that I was still keeping  the connection...the unfinished business...Dooped or Ripped Off. 

And that was...I didn't stop loving him, yet.

You don't have to. You need to heal.  It's no magic trick and you have been hurt.

Now think of it this way because I do believe it's true (my thoughts only).

Like Ami wrote on the other Thread to Silver....They are monsters. 

I once had those same thoughts about my Ex H.

Monsters do not have a conscious, empathy, love, or feelings.  They prey on vulnerable prey.  To me this was people.  They eat them up, spit them out or swallow them whole but they are only there to exist and survive and not feel.

So...really if you take the person out of it for People truly are People and as human as you and I and really look at the nature of this Beast as we call the monster what is it?

It's narcissism.  It's a person who is not normal.  Who is Sick.  Who does not think right.

And then I got mad at the disorder. They are so vulnerable themselves that this Monster Ate them up a long time before we ever know them. 

I do think that if they had choice they would not want to be Narcissist but they don't' have that choice do they.

The best you see them do is the best they can and sometimes it's not good enough or good for anyone.
That monster...that beast destroys everything around them even their capability to love, share, have compassion, empathy. 

It's just the nature of the Beast...the monster called...Narcissism.

I wish you peace Sela.  I wish for you to let this go...put it where it belongs....just the nature of the beast.. The sickness and do not feel bad about loving them...

So now we know and understand this nature of the beast that our one time loved ones live with...let it clear you head and your heart...and grieve..and let this Anger Go....and go bang your bongo's....

Again Peace will come to you..




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Re: The worst kind of abuser
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2009, 03:16:28 PM »
Thankyou so much, Deb, for all of your thoughts and words.

It's funny.  I was thinking about this last night.......I was thinking that my abusers cannot help themselves and I was even thinking that I really do understand that and that they are in a most pathetic state.

They are monsters

I don't know if this is true or not.  They sure seem like monsters but I think they do have feelings.  I think they feel greed and jealousy and resentment and anger and rage and envy and all kinds of stuff.  I don't know what they feel though.  It's just what I think.

Can they love?

Again, I can't tell what they feel but they can sure feign love....or something that looks like love.  They can convince us they love us and you say.......after we have given our hearts away......they can crush the life out of that love and leave us feeling devastated (and wondering what, if anything, they feel).

Thankyou for saying it's ok to be angry.  I know it is.  I just don't like it and want it to quit nagging me.  It does help to bang those bongos and to pray and to use my brain to see myself in a better place and especially......

to come here and read your words (and Motherof2's) and feel.....understood.  So thankyou again.

For me......knowing the problem is mental/emotional sickness doesn't take away the harm that was done.  I think that's where I am now.  Trying to heal that harm (because I know my abusers will not make any effort to do so....which I suppose is something I was hoping would eventually happen......another disappointment.....another loss to grieve......oh well.  :roll:)

I wish you peace Sela.  I wish for you to let this go...put it where it belongs....just the nature of the beast..

Thankyou for your good wishes, Deb.  I wish the very same for you (if you still need those wishes).

It feels like I'm picking bits of sticky gum from my hair.  The last chunks of gooey anger are just sticking and I have to work really hard to get them out and do as you say........let them go...let this go.

It's a long process eh?  Thanks for hearing me and helping, ((((((((((D & Mof2)))))))).

I'm almost afraid to let go of the anger in case I fall back into victim mode again.  :shock:  It's taken me so long to climb out of that pit and I don't want to fall back into it.  And I'm feeling sooooo tired lately.

Aw well.......this too shall pass I'm sure.
