Author Topic: Checking in....job, etc.  (Read 1110 times)


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Checking in....job, etc.
« on: March 27, 2009, 09:30:18 AM »
This post will sound like a repeat of one a couple years ago.  I told you about the job I applied for.  The one I had applied for while I was still at the furniture store.  The lady loved me.  I have never felt so positive about a job......the recruiter called me back and told me the DM thought it was very positive.  The DM called me back and said she wanted to reach out and keep in touch.  She told me she was going to come back into town in two weeks where she would be talking to her candidates.  So two weeks came and went and I didn't hear from her.  I was about to go out of town for spring break.  I called her and she was very nice.  I told her I was going out of town and didn't want to miss an opportunity to talk with her.  She told me she would call me on the 12th.  She didn't.  So I went on vaca.  I got back.  I texted her.  I called her yesterday and asked her to call me regardless.  Nothing.  How could I go from wonderful to nothing?  Maybe she called the furniture store and they told her I quit without notice.  Maybe she found out I was part owner of the bible book store and I told her I was an employee.  Whatever happened....she seemed to drop me.  I am sad but I told God that if it was not his will that I would not get the job......maybe it is not his will.....

Meanwhile my h is still not working.  He is sober and nice but I keep thinking of divorce...

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

Gaining Strength

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Re: Checking in....job, etc.
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 03:27:19 PM »
Overcomer, that kind of treatment would be hard for anyone to experience.  But for though of us who were so deeply and cruelly abandoned emotionally by our mother's even as infants and for the rest of our lives, such kindness followed by abandonment touches and opens up that enormous soul wounding from our own experience.

My heart grieves with you just reading about your experience.  It is bewildering and cruel but it had NOTHING to do with you.  I know it doesn't feel that way but it is something about that woman and the organization.  Not sure what and though it does NOT help to hear this, even though it seemed like a nice fit you ARE better off.  Not better off being treated so poorly but better off not waltzing into that organization thinking it was a group of kind, compassionate people who were capable of valueing you and your talents.  They aren't capable of that for some sad reason.


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Re: Checking in....job, etc.
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2009, 10:44:11 AM »
Thanks GS.  I really want to talk with them to ask them why.  I just need to knoiw.  But I had it all figured out.  I would continue to work at the bookstore and draw a paycheck....only from afar.  Then I would have the job at the beauty place and I would have plenty of money if I decided to drop kick my h.  Plus I was thinking about finally having enough money to pay off my debt and not have to rely on my mom at I just have one job and my h has none and we are broke....... :shock:

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Checking in....job, etc.
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 07:04:29 PM »
Dear Kelly
 I agree with your assessment of the job. If it was not God's will, maybe that is the answer. I look at things that way. I am trying to surrender my life.
 I can tell that you have so many wonderful traits. Our NM's take away our basic trust in ourselves so it is sometimes hard for us to see what other people do.
 This happens to me often.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Checking in....job, etc.
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 11:59:30 PM »
Hey Kelly,

Don't put so much thought into it was something to do with you.  Sometimes I know with my Agency they were great for doing the same things.   They would take resumes, do interviews and say they would call.  They didn't.  The candidate would call and they would say they would call them, AGAIN.

They took forever and it is because sure they needed an employee but the other workers were picking up the slack. Eventually sometimes months later would call the candidate to offer them the job and they already had another or didn't want to work for us with how the agency represented itself...Eyebrows went up and they declined the job.

Not you Kell....

Raise your eyebrow....
