Author Topic: The View from "There" - for me  (Read 3193 times)


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Re: The View from "There" - for me
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2009, 01:44:36 PM »
Hey PR,

I know what you mean. 

I had went back to work about 3 years ago when my children's Dr asked me to work for them.  It was a nightmare and there is one thing that I am not willing to sell is my soul, or my dignity, for any job or anyone.

While I was there .. which consisted of three of us.  The Dr., the office manager and myself I had seen the two of them Value and Devalue in the same hour.  I mean personally attack each other of course never to each other's face.

Dr would tell me that the office Mgr (and they were friends also) would have to go back to waiting on table that is all she was good at and her husband was a lazy shit.

Manager would tell me about how the Dr was controlled by her Ex H who ran her office and the B/F who ran her Money and Life.

The Dr had a D who was about 16 and just a sweet as could be.  The office Mgr had a S the same age who was a bit of a terror and well a Boy...

The Dr would tell me she needs to get a handle on her S and the office Mgr would tell me about how she was always trying to make the her S and the Dr.s D hang out.

Then both tell me that we would have to Go Out on a weekend.

Then they would both tell me about my S and how they though he was just a great Kid. He was 19 at this time.

Now we were not friends and my S they liked and with my conversations with them...the everyday chat...and being familiar with them as my S's Dr and office staff they wanted me to work for them.  They liked my personality....(SCARY).

So as I seen it they were so freaking miserable in person.....the Dr was controlled by her Ex H (still) and her B/F and then controlled the Office Manger ..who was miserable...and unhappy....who tried to Control Me.....with projections....

And I just got the hell out of there... I gave it Three months. 

And kept the Dr as our Dr.  She was a great Dr decicated to her patients as well as the office Manager.  She was kind and went beyond the call of duty for them.  So did the Office Manager.  This much is very true.

But for anyone to work with them it was not going to happen.  They had replaced me and that person left and to date ..No one has stayed.  They just can't.

And I don't know why they really want anyone for they are capable of running it all themselves....

It seems that they need to keep replacing...a dump on and when that one leaves they are stuck with each other so they go out and get another....and then another....

Kind of sad.  They are so talented and so Good at what they do ...but miserable in person.   And I am not willing to Ever let anyone ever again dump their Dirty Crap on me...That is Firm.

Sure I felt like a Kid with her first job..I had not worked in 11 years and was very vulnerable to What is What in this day but the Personaliy...I had penty of experience with...and they were not my cup of tea and I could not swallow it.

And I left...See ya!



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Re: The View from "There" - for me
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2009, 07:30:53 AM »
Deb - of course, you're right. The boss has a pattern of hiring people that fit into his script, that enable him to play out the same actions, over & over again. After 10 years there, I do know this - but still there's the expectation (or hope) I have that there will be change; it'll be different this time; that life and people really aren't like this.

But some are. Undeniable. And the only thing that can change in this situation (since he's not conscious of what he does or that there's anything wrong with it) is me.
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