Very interestin Hops,I saw it as an apology too when I received it, an apology her way without going into it too much. Ii did however ask for input in case I had her wrong.
I believe she knows I am right and she is wrong...just a blunt statement...there is room for improvemt that might take 100 pages.
You see, she read my Accident file and in it I mention that she brought D only once, that brother came only once, that a girlfriend of 13 years came every week to wash my hair! Some difference eh? Different things like this are interspersed into the file, plainly written and on purpose because of subject matter
(Does one say "A golden brown catheter reflected the sun's golden rays. as she walked the sandy beach, and it was gracefully swinging from her thong!)As with many things, I can forgive, over time, but I cannot forget. You are right. Impossible here! I said something in the file about would have preferred an unsupervised visit.--
PS--I think you NEED a sister who will try to help you. Would she try, if she thought you were giving her another chance?
She might if we were closer geographically, but is certainly the only one I would ask for assistance, and accept. However her life just now is built around her work and her 6 g'kids, and I'm not down and out yet!
If I can even turn her around a bit from the prissy little prick, it will be worth it for all her 6 grandchildren's sakes
I wrote this, as I truly mean that I might find a redeeming quality in one of my siblings, and so far she is the only who will listen, argue, listen and learn, after my soul searching and not go off half-cocked.
Also her taxi and grocery questions were a feeble attempt at interest, but there are other things too. In my file I said how wonderful I 'could' have been if we had been a loving family and only family, no kids or spouses would gather with me and we would talk about this elephant that everyone was ignoring, and question...feelings, real feelings, plans, needs etc.....but we just weren't--
maybe that one hit home? I have a feeling I had 'set her up' to ask to read the file and maybe she would learn something. I seldom think of the other two now. The eldest and her hubby, 73/78 just sold their home., so a thought ot two ran by and I didn't bother to catch them
Thank you Hops
Love Izzy