((((((Dawning))))))If I could express myself, this is my life. I am now almost 70 and I have looked after me and have put everyone else, in particular my family, 4 siblings and even my own daughter, on the toxic list, to ignore at will. The exception being one sister, one brother and my daughter when they ‘behave’ about me.
My eldest sister at one point (2002) said she felt I was the family scapegoat. I was, but no longer
http://www.scapegoat.demon.co.uk/undoing.htmis a link for you to check out and try to relate there.
Next, your friends, family, sig/other, ANYONE, who will treat you with control, disrespect, as though you are crazy, not with appreciation in any way, whatever, think about them carefully and think about yourself carefully re each relationship.
Those would come up lacking and who will not change and ‘mesh’ with you in all ways, go
NO Contact.I have done this! and I am far, far better than I ever was. Think now! I am older than your mother and you still have time.
Assess what you will and will not accept, and cut that to the quick saying that that is not you and you have boundaries in that area. Please stop crossing.
If the response is negative, NO Contact.
“Being Assertive” and choose a good page to read.
If that person responds with enough insight into how you are feeling he/she will take another tack with you and you might give that person a chance.
“An unexamined life is a wasted life”____Socrates.Examine every area you can remember and if anyone says you are living in the past, tell them you are examining the mess that
was your life, because it is time for you to live……before you die!
(I emailed my eldest sister about a problem and her answer was to “
live life like you golf”. HUH? I didn’t respond and she emailed mailed “
eerie silence” I emailed back “BOOGA BOOGA” and that was it__ no fights and no further contact. Another sister I emailed to ask her why she did such and such, when I was about 28, and how was she ‘reading me at the time. She went into a 2 page tirade, that it was all me and that I had 500- 50# pails of shit in my life--- and about finding the Lord”. I responded with, “Wow! you must always have had a mad on about me!” No more contact. My parents are dead. My brother has never wronged me, other than to follow the crowd, and we are in contact with particularly funny jokes, telephone at Xmas and birthday. The sister I share with is one who is willing to accept and we are okay. Read my post of a 39½ yr apology!)
I have learned that my daughter is acting like a immature martyr in the stories she is telling her friend about me, to boost herself and lessen me. I write common sense to her, and if she wants to ignore me, go ahead, as I think she has overstepped. The best I can say is that she NEVER wanted to hear exactly what her father was like, yet she is telling her friend what I am like and nothing meshes. I was told that she told her friend that I would send her into the liquor store, when she was 8, to buy for me.
Let’s get REAL here~ What government store would sell to am 8 year old? She has lied!!!! She said I left her alone to go drinking and her baton instructor had to drive her to the bar to find me! Another Lie! I remember that well, again about 7-8 and
neither she nor the Instructor knew where I was. I was at a bar on the West side, as her classes were on the West side, and I was about 5 minutes late picking her up. I KNOW that is when I apologized for being late. I had met a friend and time slipped away but I was on my way as classes ended.
I am VERY disappointed in my daughter. I write to her the truth)
My ex boss hanging around trying to control and always better me would call, await the beep after the message then crash down his receiver. Then this past Xmas I was surprised to come in the door to hear his voice on the phone, leaving a message, and saw that he was calling from his sister’s…..different actions there. No angry hang up. I called him on it .asnd then the other things...and now we are done!)
I’m sorry that this is about me,
but you wrote your message for me to fully understand and I can commiserate!
Please tell me if this helps!