I have been dealing with the lies and "smear campaigns" of my N sister just about my entire life. I must say that for me, this is one of the most difficult parts of dealing with a n to tolerate... I always keep telling myself, to consider the source, ~ and remind myself how truly "sick" she is. My parents on the other hand, are having an even more difficult time dealing with her because they are in their 70's and they just don't get it. No matter how hard I try to explain her "illness" to them, they don't understand. I have gotten books for them to read, and have printed things from these message boards, hoping something will get through to them. For the past 5 yrs my sister has not only cut herself off from the rest of our family, (and it's a small one.. just me and her, our husbands, and we each have one child & my parents of course) but, she is keeping my parents only grand daughter away from all of us as well. It is an extremely difficult journey. In the end, I feel sorry for my N sister, she is wasting so much time that she would have been able to spend with "our" mother~ either fighting with her, or ignoring or avoiding us all!.. Wasted time that could have been spent "being" a family, rather than her ripping the one that we have apart. I feel even more sorry for her daughter. She is 13 and always loved her Gram and Poppy, and my son her cousin, who she was closer with than some brothers and sisters are... Now, for whatever reason her mother has drilled into her head, she is not allowed to see any of us anymore. I can only wonder what kind of "stories & lies" that my n sister has told her.!