My NM has a delusion that she will somehow end up with that man I told you about before - the DR. Once again she left her email open here and I had to know... Sure enough, she tries to keep in touch with this man as much as possible. She even told the man that my dad was sick. He used to be a friend to my dad, but I know she told him wishing that he would be there if she becomes single... The funny thing is she is an unattractive, very overweight, laszy woman, yet believes she is still "hot." NM tells everyone how wonderful my dad is, but to him she always says how she wants a new house, new jewelry, and so on. She makes me sick.
Yes, that is just the way it is... But if you go beyond that thread that they know... they crumble and become confused and angry.
Good for you, breaking off contact. BTW, I am loving living here in Florida and it has really changed my life. I exercize a ton and have lost weight and feel healthy and I adore the alligators down here