Thanks deb, for that encouraging reply
The parallels you drew help put it in perspective.
Diazepam is addictive, but apparently not known, when I was given it in Rehab, 1970. A muscle relaxant for me, for those 'jumps' you might often see in people in a chair, and the legs never jump the same, always opposite and it's embarrassing. Also, when I used crutches a spasm could 'bring me to my toes' and throw me off balance, and I'd fall. I read about it's addictive qualities and began to wind down my prescription to just one pill and was managing not too badly, then one day was hit with some bad ones. My crutch cuff took a sweeping arc out of the plaster wall on the way to the floor. I took that last pill, called the Dr. and he said, "No no no!" and ordered more for me, only 10 mg a day.
Then I saw the movie "I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can" (Jill Ireland?) and I just couldn't see why her case seemed so much different from mine. She'd go "ape-sh** and run for her Valium, and I saw later what the difference was.
....and here, 39 years later, I am still on it, 7½ mg a day, in such a small dosage, but my legs would notice in about 5 days if I ran out and didn't take it.
Izzy, The pill-poppin' Granny from Kalamazoo, Da-Dum!