Another thing I am noticing about most of the people in the forum is that they have already made the leap - or at least some of you. I realized after reading the last couple of posts that I am scared. I am so scared. After my last bad experience, I am even more apprehensive to make a move. But the mere thought of spending just one more day working with my mom makes me sick.
So guess what I did yesterday? Bought two lottery tickets. I have never bought a lottery ticket in my life. So I am hoping beyond hope that some miracle happens and I win so I can just walk away without looking back. I even daydream about putting money into the business so it can thrive. Isn't that sick, stupid behavior? Like I think I am going to win? But I guess it gives me hope.....................................
And yes, my daughter thinks my mom is the head of the family. EVERYONE thinks she is the head of the family. Everyone goes to her to bail them out of financial situations.
Yesterday I noticed that she had bought a couple of self help books and I thought, "Do you think she is trying to understand herself and better herself?" Well, that was shortlived when I found out she bought them for my cousin and his wife (who are having marital difficulties and are (guess what?) living in her basement.) Yep, she's trying to "fix" their relationship like she tried to fix mine. It doesn't surprise me. It infuriates me! And are they so stupid to fall into the same trap I fell into twice? Well that shows you what I call myself - stupid! And the rest of the family (for the most part) are stupid, too!!!
Even my brother who has totally gone the opposite way of what she wanted, goes to her for money. His business was experiencing some down times so he put her on the board and asked her to underwrite some loans.
Well, the more I read, the more I write and the more I me the courage to make a move. I am going slow, making sure that everything is lined up - all my ducks in a row, and then I am gone! Help me, Lord, and let me win that lottery!!!