Ooh - I saw echoes in those words about hoping you drop off the face of the earth.
I'm now renting my home and the landlords are completely insane! Arrived unannounced one day shouting that I was too expensive and I should find somewhere else to live. They decided to deal with their dilemma I knew nothing about by complaining about all sorts of minor things. I defended the fact I hadn't changed a light bulb because the medication I was on for cancer made me too wobbly to get up on a ladder to reach. This gave them the opportunity to shout "Why don't you hurry up and die".
Blimey! Was I in shock!! I was also frightened because I didn't want my subconscious listening to any negative messages - it's far too obedient!!!
The interaction preyed on my mind for a while but then one day I managed to get a grip on it. Most of the people in my life deal with things by being 'passive aggressive' - really insidious - you can never exactly put your finger on what's going on and you can't 'prove' what they're doing either - it's just a case of 'oh I forgot' etc etc etc
But hey - my landlords - they're something else. They are in-your-face-plain-ugly-NASTY!
I never knew people could be like that. But hey - they ARE. And they're like that to most people - and I think they're like that because it's the only way they know how to deal with their own fear (and guilt and resentment and all the many other feelings they may have)
It's not the way I deal with people. It doesn't help me deal iwth them any better (I'm still scared of their impact on me!)
They are ignorant, ill-educated, insensitive - and must have had a pretty rough childhood and family life to act the way they do - and not even care about it.
Are they N? Is there some AS at play? I really don't know. Somewhere, maybe.
But do they have a happy life? Absolutely not.
Do I care?
Absolutely NOT!

It sounds to me that the foreclosure is a blessing in disguise - you have a great excuse to have your wish and move far, far away (you can say it's where living is cheaper, whether it is or not) and not have to keep facing the impact of your sister's ridiculously childish behaviour. Take the blessing with both hands and KNOW you can build a better life. Give your child a parent who isn't blown about by other people's 'stuff' and doesn't put herself in the line of fire. That's a GOOD example of how to live your life. Help your child not perpetuate this sick family dynamic in his own life.
Many people have said to me that my elderly mother has to live her OWN life. You and I cannot change our parents at this late stage - however painfully we feel the tragedy of their lives - and truthfully, they don't want to change. If your mother wants the distress her other daughter causes - you don't have to be part of the dynamic however magnetic it may feel (I agree with you totally, Hops!)
I double dare you - go on! Be ruthless and care for yourself. Put a barrier between you and your sister. Refuse to listen to anything about her. Just say 'NO'. Stick your fingers in your ears and go 'nah nah nah'. You don't need to feed the little demon inside you who WANTS to be blown off course by her. Otherwise you'll fail and then say 'it's her fault'. If you're going to fail, at least do it by your own hand because THEN, by your own hand, you can pick yourself up again and this time SUCCEED. I'll be having a go at doing the same thing myself!!
Good luck, ((Janisty07))