My Ndad didn't complete HS, got a GED in the Army and can't read very well. He expects perfection from me, but isn't near perfect himself. Growing up, if he made a mistake - in classic N style - he blamed others - mostly me.
us kids could never make below a B on a report card. We were always reminded how we were not as smart as him. If we dared say he didn't graduate we risked getting slapped.
Ndad was handy with his hands. He could build things, take things apart and put back together with ease. But even though he dictated the grades (compensating for his weakness) he still didn't want any of us to go to college. Since we were girls, he wanted us married and making babies, living next door to him so he could start the cycle again.
Nmom was average intelligence, could never help us with math, research, or hard stuff. Neither of them will touch a computer today, I have a computer degree and they actually think it makes me evil. They allowed my niece to have a computer in their home, but they think I shouldn't have one or make a living off it.
I think that the less intelligent Ns are famous for making life hell for their kids in an attempt to compensate for their lack of intelligence.
Also, Nparents forced us all to learn to play the piano. They cannot carry a tone, but made us all sing in front of everyone at church. We were simply filling the gap for all the things they were no good at. If we excelled in something they couldn't do, they criticized us for being able to do it - except for playing the piano and making good grades. There we could never make enough As and never could play well enough except my older sis.